Chapter 25: Christmas Hols

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Underlines - Quotes from the book


 Harry shifted in the train excitedly. After the misfortune Lockhart had at the Dueling club, he had let Professor Snape handle most of the one on one training with the students while he just talked about his books.

It was finally Christmas break and Harry really wanted to see his dad again. Spending months away from him was something he was still getting use to, and while he didn't want to be away from the snake that clearly needed his help, spending time with his dad and asking some questions would be nice.

So, Harry was impatiently waiting for the train to finally come to a stop. He had already changed out of his uniform and into a sweatshirt and jeans, the common wear in their family.

Finally, the train had stopped and as soon as the all clear was given, Harry, with his shrunken trunk and Hedwig resting on his arm, he raced from the train to his father, whome he instantly spotted being next to Lucius Malfoy.

The black hair of his father looking like he was Yin while Lucius was Yang. With father and son's eyes meeting, Harry grinned brightly and raced to his father, Hedwig flapping off his shoulder for a moment as Harry put on a burst of speed.

Crashing into his father with his arms wrapped around the man's chest, Percy barely moved as he wrapped his own arms around his son.

"Missed you," Harry muttered softly as he buried his face into his father's chest and smelt the sea mist that was his father's usual scent.

"I missed you too," Percy said slightly amused but with conviction.

After a few seconds of hugging, they finally moved away from each other and Harry turned to the Malfoy couple. "Hello, nice to see you guys too," Harry said excitedly.

"Hello, Sweetie, it's good to see you as well. We know Draco is staying at Hogwarts this year, but we wanted to say goodbye to you before we go on our trip to Italy," Narcissa said softly as she accepted the hug that Harry went for.

"Yeah, I heard he didn't want to take the trip this year. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves. I think Blaise was also staying along with Theo so he should be okay," Harry said trying to make sure the two parents weren't going to worry about their only son.

"Yes, while the timing is unfortunate, we would never force Draco to come with us," Lucius said sadly, worried about his son but knowing he had a good head on his shoulder to know better than to get into trouble.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. We'll miss you for the party," Harry said as he stepped back to his father and, with a final goodbye, watched the couple Portkey away to their Manor in Italy.

"Come on, let's get home. Then you can ask the questions I know you're dying to ask," Percy said as he watched Hedwig land on his shoulder.

Tensing slightly from the owl, Percy barely glanced at the owl on his shoulders and the looks he was getting as he steered his son toward his car so they could get home.

By the time they got home, there was a soft snowfall and the sun was starting to go down over the horizon. "Alright, out with it. What's your questions," Percy asked.

"I have no idea what you mean," Harry said awkwardly and with a small blush, wondering how his father knew he had some questions.

"Son, I've seen you grow up. I know your Question Look. Out with it," Percy said as he shut the car down and the duo (trio if you count Hedwig who instantly went to the warm barn where her nest was).

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