Chapter 29: Recap

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Harry was led by Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore toward McGonagall's office where Harry's father, Percy, was waiting.

Ginny had been taken by Professors Snape to the Mediwing where her family was waiting while Neville was lead with Professor Sprout to her office where Lady Longbottom was waiting.

As Harry arrived to the office he felt himself tense just a bit more as they neared. While he was sure his father would understand what he had done, he doesn't particularly want to explain what had happened in the chamber.

How would you describe bonding with a Queen Basilisk that is over a thousand years old? And not only that but she was also always with you even in a tattoo state.

And oh god the tattoo. He was twelve! His grandma was going to kill him just like she wanted to kill her own son when he had gotten a tattoo. Never mind the fact he had been seventeen nearing eighteen when he did so!

By the time the trio had arrived to the office, Harry felt his anxiety raise but attempted to keep a cool facade.

When the doors opened, Harry wasn't expecting the nervous Percy Jackson pacing back and forth by the fireplace, hand seeming to not being able to stand still as Percy said 'what-if's under his breath about how Harry might've been calmed.

But as soon as Percy had noted the doors open and his son seeming to be safe and healthy, he instantly darted and dragged his son in a hug.

Harry had flinched slightly but instantly melted under the hug and allowed the anxiety that had been eating him up fade away.

"I'm so happy you're safe," Percy muttered into Harry's mess of hair.

"So, you're not mad?" Harry muttered back to his father.

"Oh I am livid. Right now I'm in that surreal stage that you're safe and that's what matters right now. It'll crash soon and then I'll ground your ass for the whole year."

"Fun," Harry sarcastically said but didn't move from his father's embrace.

In truth, as soon as he knew that it was a Queen Basilisk that he should've fought against, his heart had been beating far to fast and his breath just a bit quicker. He had honestly not expected the Basilisk to be a queen, and when he found out he was sure he should have died.

Thank god their magics were compatible apparently, he didn't know how else he would've survived.

"Mr.Jackson, I do believe now might be the time for young Mr.Jackson-Potter to explain what had happened in the Chamber of Secrets and why he and young Longbottom decided to go without letting teachers know," Dumbledore said kindly knowing that father and son needed a moment to really reassure them that Harry was okay and safe.

Harry had pulled far enough away to look at Percy, Percy recognized the look from Harry as one that he would rather not explain to any one but Percy himself what had happened.

Percy gave a small nod in understanding and straightened up, "While you may want to know, I think right now I want to take my son home and talk with him myself. I think for now you will have to suffice with a shorter version of events from Harry," Percy said sternly, using the tone of voice that he used during the Titan War when taking up leadership alongside his fellow Demigods.

While it seemed that McGonagall and Dumbledore didn't particularly want the dumbed down version, they didn't appear to want to tell him otherwise.

Harry took that as a sign to follow up his father's comment, "Through research we found out it was going to be a Basilisk and only recently figured out it was traveling through the plumbing of the school. From there, we were going to tell a teacher, but we overheard that you put the role of stopping the Basilisk to Lockhart and we didn't want to waste a moment that Ginny wouldn't have. So we figured out which bathroom it was because the last attacks happened fifty years ago when Myrtle died. From that bathroom we found the entrance and went into the chamber. Neville stayed behind and waited for some time before getting teachers while I went ahead to find Ginny. I would've been safer than him because I can speak to snakes. When I got there, I destroyed the artifact that was possessing Ginny, releasing her soul, and had gotten a killing blow to the Basilisk where it later slithered off to die somewhere hidden I assume."

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