Chapter 13: Summer Holidays

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After the Quirrell fiasco, a man with dark brown hair and eyes that seemed to shine with intelligence came to the school.

Harry ran into met the man completely on accident. And he didn't mean just seeing him in the hall and accidentally talking to him, no, Harry actually ran into the man.

Harry tumbled down and spilled his books on sixth year potions, Transfiguration, and even a basic book for Runes all over the floor while the man had to hold onto the wall to support himself.

"I'm so sorry, mister," Harry said quickly wondering why Hogwarts didn't warn him. Though, it felt like she was slightly sleeping, having her wards checked earlier by Headmaster Dumbledore for any faults in them.

"It's quite alright, though I must say, interesting read for someone so young. How old are you lad?" the man asked as he bent down to help retrieve Harry's potions book by his feet.

Harry blushed slightly. "I'm eleven sir, first year at Hogwarts. Turning twelve in July though," Harry quickly butted in trying to make it seem like no big deal.

The man looked slightly started as his eyes met Harry's and a brief spark of curiosity entered them. "Am I to assume you are the lad that Albus has told me about? The Potter Heir?" The man asked.

Harry had to say the name Albus in his head a few times trying to remember who exactly that was before he realized it was the headmaster. "Headmaster Dumbledore talks about me?" Harry asked slightly to himself confused.

The man seemed amused by Harry's confusion as he lightly chuckled. "He was right when he told me that you don't see yourself as special either," The man mused before shaking his head slightly, "I'm Nicolas. Nicolas Flamel," the man introduced and met the excited stare of Harry's.

"Nicolas Flamel," Harry said excitedly, "I love your work with alchemy. How you took the ancient science that is concerned with the study of the composition, structure and magical properties of the four basic elements, as well as the study of the transmutation of substances; it is thus intimately connected with , and magic to make your alchemy work. It's amazing," Harry gushed.

Flamel seemed amused by this if his laughter was any indication. "It is good to see young students taking interest in such a topic. If you have any questions regarding the subject just owl me, I will be excited to learn more on your view of such a topic, but sadly Albus has owled me for a meeting and I would rather be on time," the man said with a wink before leaving the boy.

Harry checked the time before running off toward his dorms to drop off his books and to try and make it on time for his potions exam that was starting in twenty minutes, he wanted to make sure he had all his ingredients before the exam started for his potion.

With the exams finally over, Harry mostly had time to relax with all his friends and most importantly, try and figure out why Lunar was suddenly not growing anymore.

All books on her species indicate she should be the size of a one story house by now, but she seemed content with her small size that could just barely squeeze into Harry's robe pocket that was enchanted to be larger on the inside than the outside.

He figured he would do more research over the break and instead, met with Solar to try and have her find his house. The reason for such a discussion existed because when he told her that he would be gone for around three months she kicked up a storm and (while never saying an actual word) demanded where he would be for said three months.

He ended up just asking Hedwig to lead Solar to the house a few days beforehand, the owl seemed to agree to the term. Especially when Harry bribed her with bacon.

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