Chapter 2

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WARNING: this chapter holds A LOT of emotional stuffs.. But this is where it all starts! So read. This chapter is IMPORTANT. So... Yeah. ENJOY! Bear with me lovelies...

Yuri's POV

"Ma-manager Sun.." Ahjussi started. He couldn't speak.. He was so shock.

"Yah. Ahjussi! Your making us worried!" Chen said and chuckled nervously and fakely

It was pretty obvious that it was fake because concern was written all over his face even though his smiling.

"Manager Sun... Got into a car accident. H-he... He's was dead on arrrival." Ahjussi blurted out. Everyone's eyes widen and stood there shocked in place. I cant believe this...

"Yahh. Ahjussi, this is not a good joke. Please tell us your joking. Hehe." Baekhyun said with a pleading smiley face. Ahjussi shook his head 'no'.

Suddenly, EXO was torned. Some collapsed on the ground and some was sitting on the couch staring at space. I stood there observing them and absorbing the news that was delivered. Manager Sun is.. Dead. What happens to EXO now? How are they gonna cope? Are they gonna be okay?

A loud sound snapped me out of my thoughts. Lay threw the vase on the floor which caused a loud breaking sound.

He was having a mental breakdown.. Tao and Kai was stopping him but he pushed them away causing them to stumble back. The other members helped to stop Lay . I didn't know that Lay can be this strong...

"Lay! Stop it! You're not the only one who's suffering here so sit down!" Suho shouted. Everyone went quiet.. Suho isn't the type of person to shout. If he's mad, he'll just stay quiet. He'll keep it all bottled up.. But when you crossed the line, that's when you'll see a furious Suho. I guess he's really pressured with the news and Lay acting this way.

Lay glared at Suho before sitting down.. First time meeting them and im already caught up with them and their mess? Should i call myself lucky or unfortunate? I dont really know..

"Aish!" Lay said and put both of his hand on his face.

"Lay, Dont act like you're the only one who's hurting." Luhan said. Lay just sat there like he didn't hear anything coming from his hyung. I couldn't take it anymore.. I cant bear to see EXO falling apart before me... Their my idols! Who would let their idols fall apart when you know you can do something to stop it from happening?

"Lay, i know i dont have the right to say this so i'll leave after i say this. okay? but... Do you think that breaking things, shouting at eachother, glaring at one another, or fighting can fix things? Will it make things better? Will it change something? No. It will just make things worse than it already is. Do you think Manager Sun would want this? What if he's watching you.. Watching us right now and he sees you guys fighting. Do you think he'd be happy? This is not just for you Lay. This is for all of you. Do you think he'll be in peace seeing you all like this? No sir. So, instead of doing such things.. Why not get up and visit Manager Sun's morgue. Say your goodbyes to him. Okay? Or if not that.. Then do something else! Just dont fight! I cant bear to see EXO falling apart.. Look at the bright side. Im sure he's in heaven. He's now in peace. So yea, that's all i wanted to say. I'll leave now. Mianhae, i just needed to say that." I said and ran out of the door, leaving a dumbfounded EXO behind. It took a whole bunch of confidence to say that.

I ran home without looking back.. Not even once. After 30 mins, i got home.

I entered the house and saw that Umma and Appa were still awake. Ofcourse they are! It's only 9:45! Omo. How am i going to explain this to them?

"Annyeong Umma and Appa." I greeted and bowed before them.

"Oh. Yuri~ah, why are you here so early? The concert ends at 11 and it's only 9:46" Umma said glancing at her watch. I looked down at the ground.

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