Chapter 5

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Yuri's POV

Laze (lay) and I are still strolling down the mall with shopping bags in our hands. After the guys called, we sent them a picture of us smiling. Laze was smiling widely with his arm on my shoulder. I was blushing.

The guys didn't reply though. Oh well. Let them be. Im having a great time with Laze right now and i dont plan on ruining it anytime sooner. He and I get along well. Actually, i didn't expect him to be this fun.. I smiled and looked at him. He was looking around the mall, his eyes roaming and scanning stores that caught his eye.

I knew i made a friend in him... And i like that. He's a part of my small circle of friends now. Laze looks like he changed completely.. For the past hour, he's been laughing and smiling carelessly.. I dont wanna ask why though. I dont want to ruin this side of Laze that i only see once in a blue moon.

"Yah, Yuri~ah. Do you wanna go there?" Laze asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I saw him pointing towards a store of clothes. I nodded and smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the store. We went inside and a young looking salesman approached us with a smile on his face. Well isn't he cheerful?

"Yow! Lay, what's up man?" The man who i think is around our age said in English. He's korean but he speaks English very fluent. Wow~ Wait, did he just call Laze, Lay? Earlier too, Kai called Laze, Lay. Oh well, maybe it's his nickname. Or his close ones are the only people who can call him Lay. Right? That could happen. I shrugged. I looked at Laze who was staring at the man with wide eyes, like telling him something by their eye contact.. Wow.

God created our mouth for us to speak and eyes for us to see.

"Oh!" The man said and made a peace sign to Laze. My eyebrows knitted together. Umm. Im out of place here.. Kinda lost.

"Who's this beautiful lady you're with?" He asked obviously changing the subject and smiled at me sweetly. I blushed at the compliment.

"This is Han Yuri. Yuri~ah, he's Junseok a friend of mine." Laze said introducing me to his friend. Being the nice person that i am, i smiled back to him. I didn't want to be rude. First impression lasts, you know?

"Pleasure to meet you m'lady." Junseok said and grabbed my hand kissing the top of it. My eyes widen. Is this how you greet a girl you just met now a days? By kissing her hand?!

"Yah! Junseok!" Laze said and took my hand away from Junseok who just laughed and raised his arms in surrender. Laze gave him a hard look.

"I was just kidding man. Easy." Junseok said teasing Laze who looked at him with a bored expression.

"So, is there anything you need or help to find?" Junseok asked. I nodded but then Laze grabbed my hand and squeezed it a bit.

"Aniyo. We're fine." Laze said. Junseok nodded. Why didn't Laze want Junseok to help us? We really need help right now. We need to find him a great shirt and we've been looking since forever! Now he doesn't want help?!

"Araso, araso. I understand. You want some alone time with Yuri. Ne, i'll go ahead! And by the way, you two look good together!" Junseok said walking away from us. I blushed, we look good together? Aish. We're not a couple! I

looked at Laze and saw that he was blushing too..

"Yah. Are we just gonna stand here? We still need to find you a great shirt! You could have accepted Junseok's offer!" I said. He laughed at me and led me inside the store by the mens section. A laugh? That's all i get as a response?

We searched for his shirt until i found one. Woah~ this will suit him very well! Wait, where is Laze? I looked for him and saw him in the women's section. Omo! Why is he there? Does he like wearing girls clothes instead? Aish. Wait a minute.. Is he g-gay? Omo! That couldn't possible be true right? He's a man right? Like.. I cant imagine him being gay. He looks straight in my perspective but.. We cant be so sure right?

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