Chapter 7

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Yuri's POV

I was walking down the school hallway when a bunch of girls appeared to me.

"Annyeong!" They said and bowed to me. I was flabbergastered by their actions. Wait, Is this the scene where the mean fangirls attacks the innocent girl? But they seem very nice though.. They even bowed politely.

But Looks can be decieving! Consider Luke (luhan) as an example. His angelic face is so flawless that you thought he could never bring you harm or say something bad. The way he moves gracefully and innocently... But No. When he opens his mouth to speak, all you'll hear are arrogant words coming out. Aish. Wait, why did my thoughts suddenly switched to Luke? Ugh!

"Annyeong." I said to them with a small smile. I didn't want to look mean but i didn't want to be weak and easy to be friend with either. You never know what this girls want from me right?

"You're Han Yuri right? Two Moons Female Officer." A girl said. Omo. How did they know who i am? This is kinda creepy.. I nodded reluctantly.

"Oh! Nice to meet you Officer Han. We're looking forward to you leading the school." They said and smiled. My mouth agape.

Okay.. Not what i was expecting them to say. I just nodded back slowly and kinda confused. It's just impossible! I dont even know that these kind of students still exist.. They're nice and polite. I really wasn't expecting them to be.. Um. The way they are?

"Ne. Gomawo." I said and smiled then slowly made my way out of the circle that they made around me. I ran towards the classroom and opened the door to be greeted with 12 pairs of eyes staring at me. I blushed. This is why i hate attention...

I walked to my seat beside Base (baekhyun) who immediately greeted me with a rectangular smile.

"Good morning Yuri~ah!" He said. I smiled back in return. He's so cheerful.. When you look at him, he looks like he have no problem in the world. Really... Just by looking at him, it'll make you want to smile.

"Good morning Base!" I greeted back.

He gave me a confused looked. Wae? Then his eyes widen in realization. Umm. Is he bipolar or something?

"A-ah. So, why are you late today?" He asked like nothing happened. Wait, did he just say im Late?! No. It's only 6:45! How can i possibly late? And Ms. Soon isn't even here! Or maybe she just left to get something.. Omo.

By the way, Ms. Soon is our class adviser... She pretty nice. I think she's in her 30's but she's still looks incredibly beautiful. Amazing huh? I find it kind of unfair.. Hehe.

"Late?! Im not late! It's only 6:45! Wae? Did Ms. Soon arrived already?" I asked a bit panicked. As a Two Moons Female Officer... Punctuallity is important! I should never be late! I should be a role model to the other students...

"Oh. Aniyo Yuri~ah. It's just that you usually come early but now.. You seem kinda late." He said and smiled warily. I sighed in relief. I thought i was in trouble there for a while.. Phew. He got me nervous there. Honestly, if i was late.. I wouldn't exactly know what to do.

"A-ah. It's just because.. A group of girls cornered me earlier." I said and rubbed the back of my neck shyly. Base's eyes widens. Omo. He must have thought wrong.

"What?! A group of girls cornered you?!" He said standing up and placed both of his hand on his desk harshly, making a sound. Ouch. That must have hurt. Suddenly, i've noticed that the room became quiet. I looked around and yep. They're all staring at me with wide eyes. Yay. Exactly what i need. Thanks Base. (Sarcasm Overload)

I looked down and kept quiet. I dont have time for this.. I should really start thinking of some ways to make this school better than it already is and on how im going to choose a partner from them. I hope they'll just let this topic go...

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