68. Walkashame

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January 1st 2016, New York

As Matthew finally feel asleep, I quietly rolled out of the bed, put my dress on and left his hotel room. As much as I felt bad about what had done, I knew I didn't want to face him in the morning. It was normal for the guest to leave anyways, wasn't it? In movies, it was like that. I giggled at myself for basing myself on films but, honestly, contrary to some people who were used to it and didn't think it was weird to sleep with a stranger, it was completely new to me and I didn't know how to behave. Truth to be told, I wasn't planning on doing it again... it just wasn't for me. 

As I walked out of the building and hopped into the first cab that I was able to stop, I felt ashamed of myself. Why did I think it was okay to sleep with an unknown boy just because I had read that Harry was on a yacht with Kendall freaking Jenner? It wasn't okay and I didn't want to go back to this childishness of mine.

"Rough night, ma'am?" the driver asked 

"You could say so" I giggled as I felt my head pounding, "could you stop at the corner before the address I've told you? There's a lovely bakery... I'll get us some breakfast" 

"Sure" he nodded, "may I ask you where are from?" he politely asked

"Northwich, Cheshire, England" I smiled 

"Isn't Harry Styles from One Direction from Cheshire too?" he asked, "my daughter is absolutely obsessed with them and I know everything about those guys... and don't even let me start on the opening act of their last tour... she's as obsessed with her" he admitted and I giggled at him. What parents went through for their children amazed me. 

"Sir, tell your daughter I love her too," I said, so he immediately turned around. I could tell he was shocked from his expression, "I can't believe I didn't recognize you, she wouldn't be proud of me" he laughed

"How old is she?" I smiled

"She's 17" he proudly said, "she's grown up with the boys... they have been her idols ever since X Factor... and now you've become her role model... and I'm really happy about it, you look like a really down to earth"

"Well, at the moment I only look like a mess" I giggled, "but I really appreciate it, thank you" I smiled, "has she ever been to one of their concerts?"

"Yes, obviously" he chuckled, "she was very upset when you announced your break because she was looking forward to seeing you too"

"You know? I shouldn't be telling you this... but I'm announcing a tour very soon and I'd like for you and your daughter to be my guests" I confidently said, "maybe you can give me your email and I'll send you the details?"

"I really can't believe this" he said, "are you serious?" 

"Yes!" I smiled 

"Thank you so  much" he cried, "she will be so happy," he said and I felt content about the way I had started my new year. 

Actually, I wasn't a believer in the "new year, new me" saying, I didn't like propositions and I didn't think the new year was a big deal... but, this year, I could tell it was going to be special and, since I had just been reminded that I was a role model to many young people, my goal was to possibly teach them to be kind to each other and always spread love. 

After having breakfast with the driver, I walked home and felt a wave of tiredness hit me hard. I hadn't slept for more than twenty-four hours after all. I knew I had to rest because, the day after, I'd have to go back to London and start rehearsing for my tour, so I changed into my cozy pajama and laid on my bed. Right before falling asleep, I decided to post a picture on Instagram for my followers,

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