Chapter 1 - Pilot

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Today will be the same as yesterday. I will wake up, get ready and be the same monotone girl I have been since it happened. I will walk through the halls of the hollow school and be my quiet self. As much as I would like to not be the sad little girl who lost her parents, I will always be just that. I can not change who I am. I will not change who I am. I will smile, but only for the sake of my siblings And my sanity. I will hide the truth. I will not be me.

I look out of the small white window, slowly wiggling in my seat, my diary in front of me as I write. The cushion supporting my back, slowly slipping down. I slam the pink diary shut, as I get up and hide it behind the bird painting hanging on the wall in front of my bed. I look at the mirror. Smile, get through today, and don't worry about tomorrow.

I rush down the stairs and enter the kitchen.

"Toast, I can make toast." My Aunt Jenna says, as she opens the colourfully decorated fridge. Jenna, a small petite women, with orange hair and blue eyes. Her hair thrown into a messy bun, as if she doesn't really care.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." Elena says as she pours herself a cup of freshly made coffee. I walk over to where Elena is making the coffee and take the jar off her and pour some coffee into my own mug.

"Is there coffee?" My 14 year old, druggie brother says. Yea, he's a druggie. Jeremy and I took it the hardest after we lost our parents. I don't think we will be quite the same. Jeremy smoothly strolls over and plucks the hot mug out of my hands and takes a sip. As I roll my eyes I grab another mug, and pour myself a new cup.

"Its your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared." Jenna says as she rushes to her hand bag, which is siting on the marble counter top. "Lunch money?" Jenna asks, as she holds out three $5 dollar notes. I take one from her cold hands.

"Thanks." I mumble

"I'm okay." Elena says as she takes a sip of coffee from her mug. Jeremy grabs both Elena's and his own share of the money and walks past Elena and I. I scoff.

"Anything else? A number 2b pencil?" She says, mocking herself. I giggle at her. "What am I missing?" Jenna turns to look at us.

"Don't you have that presentation thing today." I say, borrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at..." She says glancing at the watch on her wrist, as she searches through her bag for something with her other hand. "Now. Crap!" Jenna exclaims as she reaches up to her hair and pulls the hair tie out. Her hair flows out perfectly straight.

"Then go." My 'perfect' twin says. "We'll be fine." Jenna just sighs, grabbing her hand bag and suckering towards the door. I laugh and shake my head at Jenna. I turn around as Elena faces Jeremy.

"You okay?" She sighs.

"Don't starts." He scoffs, rolling his eyes and heading towards the door. I just shake my head. When will she learn that she doesn't always need to play mother hen? She should let us life our lives our way, not hers. Elena watches Jeremy as he walks away, sipping his coffee.


I sit in the back seat in the blue Honda car, as Bonnie and Elena talk amongst each other. I'm not really paying attention to anything, as I am to focused on the outside world.

"So grams Is telling me I'm physic. Our ancestors are from Salem. Witches and all that, I know, crazy. But she's going on and on about it, and I'm like, put this women in a home already." Bonnie says addressing the two off us. "But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands." She says, not really paying attention to the road. She looks through the review mirror. "Amara!" She says. I jump in my seat as I turn and look at her in the review mirror.  "Back in the car!" She adds.

"I did it again didn't I." I say, kind of laughing. Bonnie just smiles, looking back onto the road. "I-i'm sorry Bonnie. You were telling me that..."

" I'm physic now." She says finishing my sentence.

"Right then, predict something about me." Elena buts in. Bonnie looks away from the road just for a split second as something black hits the car. Elena basically jumps out of her skin. As I gasp. I hold in a breath as Bonnie slams on the brakes and we skid. We stop and I let go of the the drivers seat.

"What was that?! Oh, my god! Guys are you okay." She sighs sighing. I just look at Elena.

"It's okay. We're fine." She says. Bonnie only staring at Elena worried. I just shake it off. She's not exactly my best friend.

"It was like a bird or something it came out of no where." Bonnie says trying to come up with a list of excuse. I can't be bothered to explain it to her.

"We can't be scared of cars for the rest of our lives bon bon." I say, using the nick name I made up and that she hated, but I know she secretly loves it inside. Bonnie sighs and smiles.

"I predict that this year is going to be kick ass, and I predict that all the sad times are over and we are going to be beyond happy." She says smiling happily at Elena. "For all of us." Bonnie says looking behind herself, to look at me. I give her a small smile. She starts the car up again as she gets back on the road to school.


I separated from Elena and Bonnie to go find Matt. He is my best friend. Even if he was dating Elena and she dumped his ass. I search the halls for this blond haired, blue eyed boy. I like to call him Matty blue eyes, because of how amazing his eyes are. If you didn't know either of us, you'd probably think we are twins. See Elena and I look pretty much the same, except I inherited mums blue eyes and dads some what semi blonde hair, even though my hair is very much blonde.

I finally find him, staring longly at my sister, with a small punt growing on his lips.

"If you keep frowning like that your get wrinkles Matty." I say, smirking. He turns around as his hair does a small flip.

"Amara." He smiles. As he hugs me. I look over at Elena, to see she is getting mobbed by Caroline.I just ignore her. Matt lets go and turns back to his locker. Once her shut's it, I grab his arm, and we head off to history.


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