Chapter 11 - Antiques and History

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After I had rung Damon he showed up in a flash.

"Damon, were you already here at the game when I called you?" I ask him. He bit into his arm, blood dripping from the bite. I stare at it. Eww. I gag.

"Yea, I was with Caroline. But now I'm hiding from her" He whispered slightly. The arm healed. "You have to drink it quick you know, otherwise it'll heal." He whisper again.

"And why do you need to hide from her?" I mocked him, with a smile. He laughs.

"I need a break. She can talk more than I can listen." He sighs.

"That could be a sign." I answered him with a slight chuckle.

"Plus she is young." He adds.

"Well Damon, you would have known that when you met her, your more than 100 years old. I don't think your gonna find a girl your age here." I say, both Damon and I laugh. He bites into his am again. He knows i'm in pain but drinking his blood is disgusting. I don't want to. I look at him.

"Amara I'm doing this out of kindness." I till my head, what is he talking about. I own find out when he grabs my head and forcefully makes me drink his blood. At first I hated it, but when I got a taste of it, I realised how addictive it was. Instead of stoping I kept going. I pushed myself of him, as he was starting to fall back. His arm healed and he stood up straight again.

"So Damon, you always have an agenda, whats your agenda at the moment?" I say, wiping my mouth. He moves closer to me, so close our bodies are pressed against one another.

"You want me." He answered, looking me straight into the eyes, trying to compel me. I laugh. He looks serious, with a slight smirk.

"Haha Damon." I fake laugh this time, getting a bit worried

"I get to you. You find me attractive. You find yourself drawn to me. You think about me when you don't mean to think about me. I bet you've even dreamed about me." He says. I defiantly feel betrayed. I'm meant to be his friend, but I also can't stop thing about how true it also is, I do find myself drawn to him, I mean who wouldn't. "And right now, you want to kiss me." He finishes. He starts to lean in. All of me wants to kiss him so bad, but I can't.

"I'm sorry Damon. I can't do this." I say. I run off, towards my car.


I was sitting on the couch, drinking my coffee and watching whatever was on at the moment. I was thinking about Damon, and how much I wanted to kiss him last night. Even though I may despise Caroline, I wouldn't do that hopefully, but I almost let him.

Last night that supposed "animal", killed Mr. Tanner. Us much as I hated that guy, I really don't think anyone should die like that. I know it was Damon. I told him what was going on at school with that Jack ass. I wouldn't be surprised if Stefan pissed him off so he killed him. I mean he literally would have killed two birds with one stone.

"Scum ball." I hear behind me. "Scum bucket." I turn around to see Jenna was looking at the tv.

"Who are you talking to?" Elena asked walk up behind her.

"Him." I say pointing to Logan Fell.

"The news guy?" Elena asks. I nod.

"Jenna dated the asshole a few years back, he broke her heart by cheating on her. She was so broken that she left so that she wouldn't have to see him ever again. We were probably Ten."I inform Elena of the history of Jenna and Logan Scumfell.

"Oh, no way! You and Him?" She asks astonished she says turning to Jenna she just nods. Changing the subject from Jenna's love life, she turns to Elena.

"What are you doing with that?" Jenna asked her. Elena was sitting at the wooden dinning table, polishing some family heirlooms.

"I went and got it yesterday from the safe deposit box. Mum told Mrs. Lockwood that she would loan it to the founders council for their heritage display." Elena explained.

"Is that Grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Jenna asks, grabbing the ring from inside the box.

"Originally it was great, great, great Grandma Mary's ring." I say, recalling back to what mum had told me a few years okay. Mum and I were both history geeks.

"You and your mother were always the nerd in history and antiques," Jenna mutters and I grab an orange from the centre of the table and threw it at her. It hit her forehead and I laughed as Jeremy came into the room.

"How much do you think this stuff is worth on eBay?" He asked. He picked up the pocket watch, turning it upside down and turn it around. I picked up another orange and throw it at his head. "Ow." He groans.

"You're not going to find out." I say sternly.

"This stuff is Mum's and Dad's. You can't just give it away." He states walking to the fridge.

"I'm not giving it away Jeremy, it's called a loan." She says as the doorbelll rings. I quickly run over to it. When I open the door I see Stefan, I smirk.

"Hey handsome." I flirt.

"Whats cooking good looking." He flirts back.

"Elena sexy's here!" I yell out to her. As I was about to continue, Stefan grabs me by the waist and places a hand over my mouth. I clung to his arm as I nearly fall. When I looked back into the house, I saw Elena, staring at us with anger and sadness. I she serious. I gain my balance and roll my eyes. Turn to Stefan. "The jealous police is here. Bye Stefy poo." I say flirting with him again. I brush Elena. Serious, Stefan is my friends. My phone in my jean pocket goes off.

From: Damon

You better save a dance for me Princess. ;-)

I roll my eyes.

To: Damon

Maybe ;-)

I flirt.

From: Damon

You know this whole dance is about me.

To: Damon

Its about the history of the town, your just an antique, a really old antique ;-p

From: Damon

I'm so hurt :-(

To: Damon

Haha. I win

I laugh at my phone.

"Who are you texting?" Jenna asks. I look up to see her in front of me smirking.

"No one." I smile.

"Mm-hh. I'm sure. She nods, continuing to smirk.

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