Chapter 18 - She's Transitioning

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I was peacefully sitting at home in front of the tv, while Jeremy was upstairs in his room doing his homework or something. While I was in the middle of my favorite tv show, someone rang the doorbell rapidly and non-stop.

"Jeremy answer the door!" I yell to him. I'm too lazy to get up. I can hear his thudding feet moving quickly down the stairs to the door. The door creaks open, as the person outside continues to ring the doorbell.

"Hey." I hear Jeremy say softly. Who the heck is at the door.

"The sun is killing me. My eyes are on fire." Vicki complained. As soon as I heard her voice, I sprang onto my feet. Shit, Damon, I hoped you compelled her.

"Where have you been?" Jeremy asked her. I hear the door shut. Oh no. I rush around the corner, into the kitchen. What did Damon do to her? She definitely isn't like this because of his blood. Maybe Damon. OMG. Damon turned Vicki.

"It's Good. Everythings good." Vicki says palming of the question. She grabs my brother and starts making out with him right in front of me. I run over to them and pull them apart.

"What the-? Amara, what are you doing?" Jeremy complained.

"Don't have your PDA sessions down here," I inform him. He just rolls his eyes. "Plus, I would like Vicki to leave." Jeremy looks at me shocked and Vicki gives me one of her bitch stare looks.

"I'm hungry," Vicki says. Pushing Jeremy and I out of the way. I stumble a little.

"Excuse me." I glare at her.

"What do you got to eat?" She continues. Jeremy walks past me. Giving me a sympathetic look, as Vicki goes through the fridge.

"You're high? Vicki, its the middle of the day." Jeremy worries. Maybe I should through her out and give her to Damon. I swear I'm gonna kill him. Only because I know he'll come back.

"Could you just not talk so loud? My head, it hurts!" She yells at us.

"Could you just get out of my house? This isn't a restaurant." I say imitating her. She continues to pull things out of the cupboard and fridge and place them on the table. She starts to stuff her mouth, eating cold pizza and chocolate and lollies.

"Okay, I'm calling Matt," I say to Jeremy. He just nods his head, while he watches Vicki scoff down our whole kitchen. "Oh and Vicki," I say turning to her. "You're paying for all the food you eat," I tell her as I pull out my phone dialing Matty blue.


I hear a knock at the door, just as Vicki was finishing off her third can of soft drink in the last 15 minutes. I run over to it, letting it fly open.

"Where is she?" Matt askes me concerned.

"In here!" Jeremy yells from the kitchen.

"What's she on?" He asks me. I shrug.

"Ask Jeremy, he's the druggy," I tell him. As we turn the corner I look over at Jeremy to see him staring at me.

"I--I don't know either." Jeremy stutters. Both of the boys look down upon Vicki. Vicki continues to shove food down her gob. Matt walks over to her slowly, his eyes showing concern. Matt crouches down next to her. His green and black stripe shirt crinkling. Jeremy and I watch over Vickys and Matt's conversation.

"Hey Vic. How are you doing?" Matty asks with concern. He takes off her sunglasses, as she looks slightly depressed at him. Shutting her eyelids to block out the sun. If this is what Damon had to go through when he was changing, I have complete sympathy for him. Especially because he never wanted to change. But don't tell him, I'm glad he did, I'm glad Stephan made him change, because if Stefan didn't, we would have never met.

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