Chapter 21 - The Kiss

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I can't tell you how much it hurts. To know how much he still loves her. After all the pain she put him through, after she turned his brother and was sleeping with his brother while she was seeing him, and he would still chase her, risk his life for her, that breaks my heart, the fact he hasn't moved on. Damon still loves her, he still loves Kathrine

I sit on the couch in the Salvatore mansion confused as Damon sits next to me, informing me of everything, including that I am adopted. Yea I tell you that hit home. I feel disconnected, I'm awake but I've been gone for so long that now I just feel as though I'm lost. I've changed, I'm different. I'm not a vampire I just lost a lot of blood, and for some reason, Damon wasn't able to heal me.

But what I can't believe most, is that Elena sabotaged Damon. He actually trusted someone other than me, and she hurt him. He actually told me, he considered her to be his friend, and his brother was actually being his brother again, but they betrayed him. I guess Elena changed too, because the Elena that I knew, wouldn't have lied like that. Especially to someone that trusted her, and was close to me.

Bonnie, I feel sorry for her. I know what it's like to lose someone you love. She lost her grandma. Someone who helped her, and loved her. Losing my parents changed me, so I wonder how is going to change her. For me, I was like Elena, till it happened, she became a goody two shoes, and I put on a leather jacket and became.... a troublemaker you could say.

"Damon," I whisper. His eyes shot towards me. "I want to go home." He nods his head, standing up. He reaches out his hand for me to take. I grab it as he pulls me up, off the couch. I stumble when I try to stand still, so Damon helps me, and drives me to my house.

As soon as we pull up, I see Elena talking to Aunt Jenna before Jenna walked into the house with brown grocery bags. I feel angry at Elena, she didn't tell me about Bonnie and her grandma, she didn't even Visit me.

"Damon, I change my mind, I don't want to see Elena. I mean what kind of sister doesn't even have the courtesy to check or visit their own twin!" I complain. Damon laughs a little.

"Go and face her, be brave, be bold." He say's trying to make me laugh. He succeeds, earning a chuckle from me. I open the car door, rolling my eyes at him.

"Bye Damon," I say laughing, getting out of the car. Elena is out the front, on our white swing bench, writing in her diary. I roll my eyes, she really is plain, there is nothing interesting about her. I take a step onto the porch. She doesn't even acknowledge me. Whatever, I wasn't going to talk to her anyway. Just as I open the door she looks up and straight at me.

"OMG, Amara!" She yells excited. I just walk into the house. "Amara! I can't believe you are here!" She continues

"No thanks to you," I whisper, but she catches the end of it.

"What did you say?" She asks following me in and shutting the door behind her.

"I said, no thanks to you!" I yell. She looks dumbfounded.

"Wha..what? Are you mad at me?" She says, looking very confused.

"You visited me once! Once! Your own sister and you didn't even show up after. Damon came every day. Told me how you went behind his back, how he considered you to be his friend, and how his brother was acting like his brother, but then he told me how you basically tried to kill him! So yea Elena, you can say I'm quite pissed." I yell. She looks taken back and shocked. I just storm up the staircase and into my room. I run into my bedroom, and slam the white door shut behind me. I flop onto my bed. Ugh, I need some sleep, and with that I close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.


I wake up to a bang, my eyes shot open as I look around. I see Stefan sitting on my window bay.

"Omg, Stefan you scared me," I say taking a sigh of relief. He looks up and me, blood around his mouth, veins pumping from under his eyes, his fangs showing. My eyes widen. "Elena!" I yell. Stefan vamp speeds over to my side, covering my mouth. I yell into his hand. All that I can get out is muffled screams.

"I'm sorry Amara, please forgive me," Stefan says. I can tell he is crying, but his hunger is taking over, the bits down into my neck. All I feel is pain. I can't breathe.

"Stefan. Stop." I whisper, trying to push him away. I grab my phone from my pocket, calling Damon, without Stefan noticing.

"Hello." I hear Damon say.

"Help!" I yell into the phone, before Stefan has a chance to grab it and smash it to a billion little pieces. "Stefen please." I whisper. All I can hear is him breathing heavily while he is making a meal out of my blood. "Do it for Elena," I say. He doesn't stop. I... I...I can't stop him. I'm useless.

The thing I know has been ripped out of my neck and thrown onto the floor, Damon is by my side and Stefan is growing at him.

"Go, Stefan!" Damon yells at him. Stefan doesn't move "Go!" He snaps. Stefan disappears in a click of the fingers. Damon sits next to me. He bites into his arm, holding it out for me. He places it in my mouth as I drink from it.

I push it away and I watch it heal, wiping the blood from my mouth. Damon pats and wipes around the dry blood, from where the wound used to be.

"Thank you, Damon," I say looking into his eyes. Its dark outside and this would be my perfect idea of a first kiss. Dark, staring into each other's eyes. He leans in and so does I, and we kiss, sparks are felt. Neither of us pulls away. He places his hand on my check. It becomes more passionate, and the kiss deepens.

"Amara Have yo-" Jenna says as she opens my bedroom door. Damon and I pull away. "Oh arh. Sorry." She says, before shutting the door. I laugh a little, this just got awkward.

"I should go." He says, and then he is, gone. I get up from my bed and walk down the stairs.

"Sorry, Jenna." I apologize, slightly cringing at the fact she just walked in on that. She just laughs, buts she looks a bit grossed out. "What were you going to ask?"

"Have you see Elena?" She asks.

"No, why?" I ask warily.

"Because you guys have your miss mystic falls thing tomorrow, and she still hasn't chosen a dress." She tells me.

"I forgot about that," I say, she rolls her eyes.

"Of course, do you know where your dress is?" She asks. I nod.

"Good night Jenna," I say I walk up the stairs, but just as I reach the top, I stop. I didn't organise a date. Shit.

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