Chapter 5 - Secret

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"How do you remember that?" Stefan asks.I look at him confused.

"Its called a brain and a memory." I say nodding my head with my eyebrows raised in concern. I elbow Damon slightly. "Did your brother go to school?" I whisper. Damon laughs and Stefan rolls his eyes.

"I don't think so." He whispers back, I giggle.

"Listen, Amara, If you don't have anything to say. I have somewhere to be." Stefan interrupts. I don't smile anymore, as a matter of fact I start to get upset with him.

"Yea Stefan, I do have something to say. I know it was a vampire that attacked me in the woods the other day." I snap. He stands there dumbfounded. "And I know your one."

"Where'd you come to that conclusion." Damon asks, trying to pretend it was all a silly little joke.

"When we in the grave yard, you" I turned around a pointed at Damon. "Weren't there one second and was there the next." I stopped and looked at Stefan. "Elena told me about how you are squeamish with blood. But what really put the nail through the coffin is that she told me how your veins pop out underneath your eyes when you see blood and your teeth become fangs. If my sister wasn't so dumb witted and believed in the impossible, she would know about it to."

Stefan and Damon don't say anything. We stand there in silence. All of a sudden, I'm pushed against the wall. Damon is holding me by the neck. 

"Let go of me. I'm not going to tell anyone." I say in a smart ass tune. Damon looks at me confused. "How long have you been vampires for?" I ask, waiting for an answer.

"Since 1864." Damon says.

"And i'm guessing Katherine is from that era." I say. Stefan snaps his head towards Damon.

"You told Elena about Katherine?" Stefan snaps.

"Its fine, she'll get over it, well she might." Damons says. I let out a little laugh. But I cover it up with a cough.

"I'm leaving, i need to talk to Elena." Stefan says he turns around and grabs his bag.

"Stefan!" I yell to him. He looks back. "Keep Elena out of all this. She will freak out." He nods and walks out the door. I look at Damon, he has a puzzling look on his face.

"i think i've got you figured out." He says.

"Oh really, try me."

"You are kinda like me, a little evil, a little schemer but in the end you only have the best intentions at heart." He says.

"Oh so you have a soft side too hey?" I ask smirking.

"Yea for pretty girls and online cat videos." I laugh at him. He is a lot nicer than what I expected him to be like.


'Dear Diary,

After my parent's died I thought that everything was going down hill from then on. I was wrong. Damon and Stefan have change my life, they've made it interesting. Even though they may be Vampires, I don't fear them. If anything it makes me more attracted to them. Mostly Damon, but thats beside the point.

The only thing that worries me is death. They feed off human's. Surely they have killed people in the past. I can only begin to explain my concern. Was it Damon or Stefan who nearly killed me the other night. But thats not what's scary. The thing that's scary to me is that's okay with it. For some reason I don't mind.

I don't want Elena, Jeremy or Jenna wrapped up in it. I don't want them to get hurt. They are my only family left, that I talk to anyway. I can't afford to lose anyone of them.'

Someone pushes open my bedroom door as I lay on my bed in my purple satin pj's. I look up to see a crying Elena. 

"Can we have some twin talk?" She asks. I nod. I pull the covers to my bed off making room for her to lye down with me.

"What happened?" I asked. 

"I think I broke up with Stefan." She says. I look at her sharply.

"What do you mean you think?"

"I told him I knew what it was like to have a complicated ex that brakes your heart and a brother that is causing you so much trouble." Elena mumbles. I sigh. I'm gonna kill Damon.

"Elena, you have to Stefan a chance. Don't listen to Damon. He probably just doesn't want his brother to get hurt." I say, defending Damon.

"I don't know Amara." She say burying her head into my pillow.

"Elena listen to me." I roll onto my side to face her. "Give him a chance."


Elena, Matt, Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler and I are crowed around a small table in the grill taking and joking around with one another when Jeremy strides over to the table with a worried look on his face.

"Hey has anyone seen Vicki?" He asks. I roll my eyes. Seriously he won't leave her alone. 

"You're her stalker, you tell us." Tyler snaps. I turn and glare at him for a few seconds, before turning back to Jeremy.

"I can't find her." Jeremy explains.

"She probably found someone else to party with." Ty says. This time it's Matts turn to glare at him. "Sorry pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced." He smirks, I look at Jeremy.

"Have you been dealing?" I ask him worriedly. He just palms off the question.

"Are we really gonna do this right now?" He says glaring at Tyler.

"You know she's never gonna go for you." Tyler says smirking.

"She already did, over and over agin." Jer says. Everyone at the table stiffens.

"You did what!" I yell. "Thats it i'm killing Vicki. Sorry Matty Blue but I'm your only sister now." I say standing up. Matt grabs my arm and pulls me back to the table, slightly smiling.

"Yeah, right." Tyler says, still talking to Jer.

"You slept with Vicki Donovan?" Caroline buts in. She scoffs. "I men Vicki Donovan Slept with you?" I glare at Caroline.

"Thats it!" I shrug Matt. "Vicki and I are going to have some serious girl talk." I say with gritted teeth. I only get a few steps away before Matt pulls me back to the table.

"There's no way." Ty says.

"I wouldn't bet on it Ty." I say to him. He looks at me and the looks back at Jer, glaring at him.

"Yea and I didn't even have to force her into it." Jeremy says. Matt stiffens.

"What is he talking about Ty?" Matt asks. Looking at Tyler with his head slightly tilted.

"Nothing man, just ignore him, he's a punk." He scoffs.

"How about all you shut up." I say. Trying to help Matt. I can tell he doesn't want to be here for this conversation. Quite frankly, neither do I.

"Can you guys just help me find my sister?" Matt ask. I grab his hand and squeeze it. I grab Matt and pull him away from the table.

"Let's go look in the square Matty." I say to him as I drag him out of the bar.

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