Chapter 22 - Human Blood

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So Bonnie's not talking, to me or Elena, even though I was in a coma when she and Elena started the fight. Just because I'm 'friends' with Damon doesn't mean I can't be. She won't even look at Stefan or Damon. I get that Bonnie sad over her grams death, but she can't take it out on us. I love her, but I'm not gonna let her walk all over me. She told Elena that she blames Stefan for what happened to grams. She died. She was doing witchy woo stuff, and now she's dead. For the record, no one even told me that Bonnie was a witch, no one. I can't look at her the same. She could hurt someone, I trust her, but she doesn't have a teacher, how is she gonna control it.

"Ow Jenna," I say. We're at the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, which is held at the Lockwood mansion. It got its own pond and forest. It got like 20 bathrooms and even more bedrooms. It's ridiculous. Jenna is curling my hair, and she got the back of my neck with the curling iron.

"Sorry, Amara." She says putting it down. My makeup's been done professionally, my hair's been condition and washed like 20 times. I recently found out today that Jenna has a new boyfriend, my history teacher for that matter. Alaric Saltzman. Which is pronounced A-lar-ric Saltz-man. But he prefers us, well Elena, Stefan, Damon, Jenna and I to call him Ric. So my last minute date is Stefan. Yep Elena's boyfriend. The one who bit into my neck last night. I forgave him and Everything, I just hope he can control it. The only reason why I'm taking him is that, 1. He knows the dance because it's been the same one since he attended and learned in 1864 and 2. Elena was taking Matt because she signed up to it when she was dating Mat and she asked him to take her so. Which I fell bad for Caroline, because she's in this too, and Matt's her boyfriend, but he's taking Elena, so she has to have some sub dancer.

Jenna moves on to Elena, playing with her hair. She grabs the curling iron and starts curling her hair. We would look completely identical if it weren't for our different dress. Elena went for the safe midnight blue, while I went for the soft but sexy pink.

"Thanks for helping me." Elena sighs staring into the mirror, in front of her. She's applying more blush o her face. Jenna scoffs.

"Don't thank me until you're sure your hair isn't going to burn off." She says laughing. Elena and I both giggle at her.

"You know I remember when Mum, Amara and I were first applying for this. She was so excited." Elena says, sighing.

"So were we, if I recall," I say turning my head to look at Elena and Jenna.

"I was," Elena says so sadly. "She just made it sound like so much fun. Lots have changed since then." Elena sighs again. Here we go pity party of one.

"I hate to break it to you, but its a little late for cold feet," Jenna says seriously.

"I don't have cold feet. I just... I think I'd be enjoying it a lot more if she was here." Pity party of one still. I roll my eyes. SHe just needs to let loose. It goes silent for a minute as Jenna just looks at the floor. She smiles.

"I'll tell you one thing, your hair would have a better chance if she was here," Jenna says. Elena and I both chuckle.

"Okay, I'm going to go put my dress on," I say interrupting them, standing up from my seat.

"Yea so should I," Elena says, getting up as well. "Be careful with that thing, don't hurt anybody," Elena says pointing to the curling iron. Jenna just rolls her eyes.

I walk into the back room were Elena and I's dresses are. I open the door, but I see Amber, another pageant girl, pacing around in the room. When she sees us she takes a big breath in, smiling nervously.

"Are you okay, Amber?" Elena asks worriedly.

"I hate being the center of attention. I get panic attacks." Ambers says, her voice breaking.

"Do you need some privacy so you can change?" Elena asks politely. Amber picks up her dress, before putting it back onto the coat hanger.

"Actually, I'm just... I'm just going to go get some air." She says, walking past us and out of the room.

I see my dress hanging next to Elena's. My dress is a soft but sexy baby pink. It's a long silk strapless dress. The waist has sequences around it and above it, the hem has sequences as well. It's a beautiful dress, while Elena, just has a plain blue dress and that's it.

I pick up my dress that is hanging in front of the mirror and see Damon in the reflection. I turn around to face him.

"Hey. You can't be back here." I say. Elena flinches at the sound of my voice spinning around, and rolling her eyes when she see's that I'm talking to Damon.

"We all need to talk." He says seriously. He takes a step closer to us.

"Does it have to be right now?" Elena asks rudely turning around not even facing him. I elbow Elena. She turns back around sighing.

"Normally, I would have a completely different outlook on what I'm about to tell you, but since it could really inconvenience me, I'll squeal," Damon says.

"What are you talking about?" Elena laughs.

"Stefan's still drinking human blood." He says. Elena's face drops.


"Yeah, last night he had a giant taste of your sister," Damon informed her. She turned to me astonished. "A month ago, I would have rejoiced." He said smirking a little before going serious again. "But with the council back on the alert, and how he took a bite out Amara, it's not a good time for Stefan to fly off the handle." I look at Damon confused.

"What council?" I ask. Damon looks at me.

"Right, so basically all of the founding family members have a council that protects Mystic falls from vampires, basically they are vampire hunters. They know that there is a vampire in town, they just don't know who, and they are looking nonstop for it, which happens to be Stefan and me." He informs me. I nod my head taking that all in. "Oh and Alaric, Jenna's new boyfriend is also a vampire hunter, that was married to your birth mother before I turned her." I shook my head. What? My birth mother was Alaric's wife, and she's a vampire.

"Thanks for being subtle Damon," I say. Shaking my head. Elena changes the subject back to her and Stefan.

"I know he's been on edge, but he said that was normal," Elena said shaking her head in disbelief.

"He has a fridge full of stolen blood bank contraband in the house." He says. Elena walks over to the little chair in the corner of the room.

"Oh, my god," Elena says in shock.

"He has no idea, what normal is. His entire existemce isn't normal. Normal to a vampire is drinking human blood, but he spent all this time fighting it when he should have been learning how to control it and now it's controlling him instead." Damon informs us.

"I can't believe this. I mean, it's Stefan that we're talking about here." Elena says, not believing it, well not wanting to believe it.

"Stefan on human blood, Elena. He'll do anything, he'll say anything, because he's not going to want to stop. Trust me." Damon continues. The room becomes silent. All of a sudden the door opens, and in walks a zombie-like Stefan. He looks at the three of us confused.

"Whats going on in here?" He asks us confused. I can see Elena is lost for words.

"Just filling Elena in on your extracurricular activities," Damon says, turning around to Stefan. Stefan scoffs.

"What are you talking about?" He smiles shaking his head.

"I know about the blood, Stefan. That you took a bite of my sister last night." Elena says. Stefan's smile stays there like he doesn't care. I grab my dress and then Damon's arm.

"Damon's gonna help me get ready, in a different room. See you for the dance Stefan." I say pulling Damon out of the room. Stefan's in for it. I shut the door behind me after Damon walks out to give them privacy.

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