Chapter 10 - Vervain

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I walk into Elena's room to see her staring at her cheerleading uniform. She is standing at the foot of the bed, deciding whether she wants to continue cheerleading or to quite.

"Damon's right you know." I say, Elena slightly jumps. She glances at me before looking at her uniform again. "Quit, move on. Somethings in life change, and after what we went through, we were bound to change. But that's the glory of life, we can change. We can do what makes us happy. And if cheerleading doesn't make you happy, and it makes you miserable, stop doing it, do something that makes you smile and become your glorious, yet sometimes annoying self." I smile at her. "Do what you want to do Elena, not what others want you to do."


We pull up at Mystic Falls High school. Tonight is the big game. Last night didn't go well. Lets just say, i've always been right about Caroline, and her sensitivity towards other people. Note sarcasm. She has her head stuck up her ass way too far. Elena gets out of the car first, and i soon follow out. The whole town is here. Mystic falls is very small place, everyone knows everyone, everyone supports everyone. I see Stefan in the corner of my eye. I elbow Elena, she glares at me. I nod my head towards Stefan and as soon as she see's him, she smirks.

"Ooo." I say. "Look at you, all hot in your Jersey." I smirk, playfully flirting with Elena's boyfriend. Stefan gives me a sly smirk as a flash of jealousy crosses Elena's face. Stefan, noticing Elena squirming and not like the comment I just made, turns to Elena.

"What happened, no cheerleader." Stefan looks Elena up and down.

"I quit." She sighs. "I'm a quitter." She sighs again. I scoff. She is dramatic, seriously.

"No hey, your not a quitter. You suffered a great loss, you aren't the same person." Stefan says comforting her. I pretend to gag. Elena looks at me and rolls her eyes. I smirk and laugh. "I have something for you." He says, facing Elena. "I hope you don't think its to soon or too weird, but..." Stefan reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a box. "I wanted you to have this." Stefan gives the box to Elena and when she opens it, it is a beautiful silver necklace with a pendent on it. It was truly beautiful. She gaps and takes it out of the box.

"Oh my God. It's beautiful." Elena says, looking gobslmaked. She takes the necklace out of the box.

"Its something I've had forever, and I uh. I've never wanted to give it to someone until now." Elena and Stefan gaze into each others eyes. "I'd very much like it, if you'd wear it for me, for good luck." Elena smiles. Elena lifts it to her nose, and smells it.

"Is that rose that I smell." She asks.

"No, it's uh, an herb, called vervain." I look at Stefan. Why is he giving Elena vervain. I look at Stefan, glaring at him slightly. I swear, if he ropes her into the Vampire business, I kill him myself. I know Vervain is used to prevent compulsion, but is he giving it to her to protect her from Damon or himself?

Elena turns around, giving the necklace to Stefan. He opens the clip and puts it around her neck, clipping it back up. When Elena turns around again, they kiss, right in front of me. I fake gag again, Elena glares at me for ruining their 'moment', while Stefan laughs, at least one of them has a sense of humour.

"Okay well, I'm leaving before I actually feel sick." I clap my hands, taking many steps backwards, before running off.


It was before the game started, and the jerk of a teacher/coach Mr Tanner is giving a speech, which is mainly him praising Stefan. When he mentions his name. I jump up and down.

"Way to go Stefan! Woah!" I yell. Stefan smirks at me, Elena who is standing next to me, elbows me in the stomach. She glares at me. But while I'm slightly hurled over, i see Tyler walking over to my brother, Vicki scurrying behind him. I catch the end of Tyler's sentence.

"Don't worry." He starts. "You can have her when I'm done." Tyler smirks, but Jeremy, doesn't find it funny. He throws the first punch. A right hook into his face. Tyler leans over, taking the punch as a man. Until he starts swinging at Jeremy and Jeremy swings back, them starting a full on punch up. I run over there and pull Tyler of my brother. Without thinking, everyone crowding around us, Tyler punches me, square in the face. I fall to the follow, he hovers over me, making sure I'm okay because didn't know it was me, trying to stop him, but Jeremy throws another punch.

I get back up, but I'm to late when Jeremy tries to swing at Tyler with a glass bottle, and getting me in the arm instead of getting Tyler. I scream in pain, Jeremy looks at what he has down, and he falls down beside me, taking out the glass bottle, and any pieces of glass in my arm.

"I'm so sorry Amara, I didn't mean to.. I'm sorry." Jeremy says looking so disappointed in himself. Elena rushes over to the scene, seeing me on the ground.

"Omg, Amara! What Happened!" Elena yelled. She always plays the roll of mother hen, and I hate it.

"Im fine, it barely scratched me." I said. When I tried to sit up, Elena pushed me down again. Stefan came over and stood behind her.

"Oh no you don't, sit still, someone call an Ambulance." Elena says turning to everyone around us.

"No don't, I'm fine, It's barely a scratch. Shoo." I says, making them flee away.I go to stand up but Elena tries to stop me. "Elena, stop it! You aren't my mum, I can mange myself just fine!" I say getting up. I storm off, holding my right arm. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my phone, ringing the only person, who can fix this, Damon.


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