26. Awkward

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I jumped back from Will, startled, and stared up at Lou and Cecil. Will turned around too, but he seemed more annoyed than anything else.

"How--How long have you been standing there?" I asked, embarrassed.

"Just got here," Lou said with a smirk, "So, Will, ya finally grew a pair then?"

"Yeah," Cecil agreed, "thought it'd never happen."

Lou shook her head in disappointment. "Honestly, what is this, like chapter twenty-six, and y'all are just now kissing?"

"Oh, shut up, both of you," Will's voice was light, but I could tell he didn't appreciate being interrupted. It was odd. He used to be so hard for me to read.

Will stood and then held out his arm to help me up. I accepted it. I allowed a little smile to sip at how comfortable I was around him now compared to when I got here. The full magnitude of what just happened hadn't hit me yet. At the moment, I was distracted by the way Will was looking at me. A look that said "we'll finish this scene later."

"So, what made you think it'd be okay to just come in without any warning whatsoever?" Will asked.

"Well," Cecil started, "we did knock, but you didn't answer. Anyway, we just thought you might want to know that Piper's back and she brought a boy with her."

I blinked at the name. "Wait, Piper?"

"Yeah," Lou said, "Piper McLean. You know her?"

"She-she was in my group at the Hunter Association. What do you mean she's back?"

"Oh, she's a vampire. Yeah, she was working undercover at the Association. She haven't heard from her in a while, and we thought maybe her cover had been blown or something, but now she's back!" Cecil explained.

Will nodded. "I never really talked to she much, but she seems like a nice girl. Scary though. And you said she had a boy with her?"

"Wait," I said, "Kinda tall, short, blond hair, tan?"

Lou nodded. "Bout sums him up. You know him, too?"

"Jason-FUCKING-Grace. He's Piper's boyfriend," I said.

"I had a feeling," said Lou, "She probably turned him. Why don't you two get changed and then come down to talk. Unless of course you get distracted," she added with a wink.

Will rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up. We'll be down in a minute."


I actually forgot about this story, guys, I'm so sorry.

And I KNOW this chapter is short, but it's currently almost two AM, I just wanted to get this out. I actually started this a really long time ago, but writer's block hit me, and I just never went back to it.

So, on another note, does anyone listen to K-Pop? I recently started listening to BTS, and holy shit, their performance in AMAs was literally the best thing I've ever seen on Tv. I've learned all their now, and I'm finally ready to go through the process of name learning again, so I was wondering if anyone could recommend song other groups to me? I've already listened to a couple songs by BLACKPINK and GAY7 and a couple songs by EXO came on Spotify a while back, but I wasn't really listening. I'll listen to anything with a good beat and good lyrics, so go crazy.

Anyway, I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO sorry about not updating in so long and for the short chapter, but I will try to do better.

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