†† Chapter Twenty-Six

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               Adam's point of view

               I didn't know how long it had been, but Jasper was finally showing symptoms of healing. It was maybe a day, but it felt like centuries. His burnt wounds were clearing faster. His face was becoming more alive, even though we were all a bunch of pale freaks. He still remained unconscious, asleep and motionless. By first glance you would think that he was dead. I hated seeing him like this, because it was my fault. I did this to him. I brought him into this dangerous world, even if he was destined to be something greater than any of us had imagined. I still brought him into it.

               While he slept and healed. I had changed his clothes and replaced them with beautiful white clothes. The color heavenly suited him. He looked like an angel. I preferred this Jasper than the dark one who was obligated to be death. He wasn't evil, he wasn't bad, he was just misunderstood. Like all of us. But he was pure good. He was born into this. He never one day decide to become the master of death. He's your average teenager who enjoyed gummybears. I missed those days when all we did was be human. Those were the times where I felt like we were safe. But I knew better.

               I caressed his face with my fingers, tracing his eyes to his chin. Such a perfect face. How could he be the master of death when he belonged in the sky with angels? I was the true monster.

               I sat next to him, my torso facing the window where the sun gleamed through. I looked at the remainds of what the storm had left behind. There were a lot of rocks, plants, sea weed, even some planks that the waves had brought. Pure destruction of a powerful hurricane.

               "Hey." Kim entered the room and looked at Jasper. "How is he?"

               "He's doing better. I think he will wake today. You should try finding him some food for when he does. He'll need it. And some fresh water," I told her.

               She nodded and walked out of the room.

               Ever since I came back last night, she has been eyeing me suspiciously. It was clear on my face that my thoughts were disturbed. I couldn't tell her that a messenger of the fire dragon had visited me. I wasn't sure that a fire dragon even had a messenger. Many people wanted Jasper dead. Why should I listen to a random stranger? No words would ever pull me away from saving him. It was my job to protect him.

               The next dragon was the easiest to find. I already knew where it was. There was an island that didn't appear on the map because most countries - governments - knew about such creatures and didn't want people to know about them. The fire dragon rested peacefully inside a volcano. Most people believe that it has been asleep for hundreds of years. And it has villagers who protect and worship the beast. Like a God.

               Did I know where the island was located? Of course. It's none other than the Bermuda triangle. Right next to where we were. It wouldn't take long to fly there. We were just as fast in air as we were on land.

               I could go by myself and make it back in time for Jasper's awakening. But Kim wouldn't let me go by myself. And I couldn't let Jasper stay here by himself, unprotected. I trusted Kim. Even though we had conflict in our many years of being vampires. She was my only friend. My best friend. I know that she was the one who turned me into a vampire, but I thank her mentally everyday. Because if she hadn't, I wouldn't been dead and I wouldn't have met Jasper.

               So eternal life wasn't that bad when you spent it with the person you loved the most. But it wouldn't be worth it to risk Jasper's life again with the fire dragon. He was in no condition to come to the fire dragon. He was stubborn and would rather kill me himself than to not come along. That's why sending Kim to fetch for supplies was the only thing I could do. She would return in a few minutes, it was okay to leave Jasper alone for those few minutes. I needed to get out of here now.

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