Chapter 16

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Hey guys, I apologize for not updating. Black wolf didn't for a while and I just decided to wait and read and just noticed today he's updated


"Eight hundred year old demigod at your service." Percy said going into a bow as Rachel laughed, taking his hand and pulling him up while a ugly feeling started growing in my chest "You know, that ugly feeling that you get in your chest is called jealousy." Tyler said walking beside me "I'm not jealous." I said looking at him.

"Sure, then why are you glaring at Rachel?" He said with a raised eyebrow "I'm not." I said but he rolled his eyes "Zoe, I may not be the brightest when it comes to women. Same goes with Percy but I do know a glare when I see it." he said looking at Rachel and Percy talk "Connor told me what happened." he said suddenly "What are you talking about?" I said confused as he smirked.

"You locking lips with my brother." He said as my cheeks started to heat up "I don't know what you're talking about." I said looking away from him, trying to find something else to observe but my eyes kept going back to Percy "Connor said he saw you and Percy on the beach, lip locking. He was going to say he saw you kissing someone but thought it would be better if he kept his mouth shut. Didn't want to end up with arrows sticking out of him." he said chuckling.

"Do you love him?" He said while I looked at him shocked "And before you answer my question, don't give me the usual "I'm a loyal hunter of Artemis." crap. I know that some type of feelings developed between you and him, I just don't know what kind of feelings." he said looking back at me "I don't know." I answered honestly as he shook his head "No, I think you do know. You just haven't realized yet or you don't want to accept that you have fallen in love." he said earning a glare from me.

"Crystal, you've been awfully quiet." Percy said turning around as did we only to see Crystal wasn't there "Where is she Percy?" Tyler said "I don't know Tyler, that's why I'm looking for her." Percy said closing his eyes while I felt a blade on my neck, making me freeze "Don't move." I heard someone hiss in my ear.

Why didn't I just accept the offer Lady Artemis gave and avoid all this trouble?


"Antaeus says he is Poseidon's favorite son, but I think otherwise. There are four children of Poseidon here, shall we see whose the greatest?" Percy said while we stared at him in horror while the monsters all started to whisper excitedly. "Are you insane?" Jennifer hissed but he ignored her.

After a few minutes Antaeus spoke "I accept, brother." he said standing up, crushing any poor monster "I also accept, brother." Orion spat as he hopped into the arena along with Antaeus while Tyler was pulled out of the cage.

"Weapons?" He questioned as Antaeus cracked his knuckles grinning like a mad man. Orion raised his bow and hunting knifes, glaring at Percy in hate while Tyler held up his weapons as did Percy.

"He's going to get himself killed." Jennifer said as Tyler and Percy ran straight for Orion "Good idea to get rid of Orion first, then deal with Antaeus." Annabeth said as we all watched the three sons of Poseidon exchange deadly blows.

Percy POV

Orion was a better fighter than I predicted as me and Tyler forced him on defense but couldn't get past his defense. "You won't defeat me, dear brother." Orion spat kicking Tyler back and spun around just in time, blocking my attack, making me growl.

"Neither will you." He snarled throwing me back. "Are you positive about that?" I said running towards him "No more messing around. Tyler needs help." I muttered forcing Orion back on defense but still surprised I haven't disposed of Orion yet.

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