Chapter 18: The Truth

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You and Sans ended up in a space of pure darkness. You knew where you were.

"Weird... this didn't happen on the way to you." Sans said.

"Sans, hold my hand."

"What!" He became a little flustered. "Look kid I'm flattered but-"

"Just do it Sans!"

Sans took your hand.

Suddenly a fridge tried to pull Sans out of the world, but since he was holding your hand it didn't work.

"Let go of him Y/N!" Core Frisk yelled at you. You became angry.

"No! I will not! Come out now!" You yelled back.

Sans was just there with a confused expression. He became shocked when a Frisk appeared out of the darkness. "What the?" Sans yelled.

You made your hands into fists and glared at Core a Frisk.

"What is it Y/N?" She asked.

"Tell me the truth!" You yelled. "Now!"

"What do you mean?" She gave you a smirk. "I told you everything."

You realized you were squeezing Sans' hand so you eased up a little bit. You and Sans approached Core Frisk. She was trying to act all innocent like.

"Now!" You yelled.

She sighed. "Like I said I told you everything."

"I know you've been lying to me!" You yelled.

The only reason that got you thinking about this is when you imagined Creation. He told you you were always meant to be a weapon. It's not your imagination....

"Fine! I'll tell you whatever you want to know!" Core Frisk said. "Just let me get Sans out of here first. Let go of his hand."

You held his hand a bit tighter. "No. He stays!" You yelled.

"Fine! I don't care! What do you want to know?"

You weren't to happy. "My actual backstory! What actually happened to me! Creations true purpose! Tell me everything!"

Core Frisk got taken back a little bit but stayed strong. She sighed. "Alright... just know you won't like what you see..."

You and Sans turned around and faced a scene. It was you. In your... home...

You looked so young. You had nice and caring parents. They seemed happy with you. Until, *BOOM* Error Sans busted through the house. He scanned you and your parents. He looked at you, his eyes locked into your scared ones. Your parents were willing to protect you with their lives. Error Sans calmly went up to them and asked them to move. They refused.

Error only sighed. He looked down in a sad way and wrapped them in his strings. While they were strung up he killed them. He looked sad. Your younger self had begun to cry. He quickly ran up to your crying past self and picked you up.

"ShHhHhhH" he said soothingly.

He was comforting you. You slowly began to stop crying. He then flew up into the air on a Gaster blaster. He stopped really high up in the air. A small menu of code popped up in front of him. MAll of your worlds code was right there. Error sighed as his hand went over the erase button.

"iM SoRRy KiD. Im beInG foRCed."

He then pressed the button. He was hoping for something, but what? Suddenly, the entire world was gone. It was only a white empty space, just like Cross Chara's world. Error looked at you on his shoulders. He sighed.

A New Universe (Female! Chara(s) x Male! Reader - Harem Story)Where stories live. Discover now