Chapter 3

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Marks P.O.V

~At the airport~

I glanced around the crowd nervously.
Crowds terrify me.
My mom was sending me to one of her friends houses for the summer while-
"MARK!" I glance to the left to see a woman running towards me, I stepped out of her reach before she could pull me in for a hug.
Hugs terrify me.
The woman grinned widely, either not noticing me avoiding her hug or choosing to ignore it.
"Your Mark, right?" I nodded, staring at my shoes.
"Well we should head on home then, huh?"
I nodded.
"Ok, let's go."
I followed behind ever pulling my luggage behind me.
The whole way to her house I was very silent. She wouldn't stop talking, but I wasn't even listening. All I could think about was what was happening at home. My mom. Dad. Vi-
"We're here!!"
I jumped as the lady, who's name I learned was Joan, shouted in my ear.
I looked outside and saw a white two story house with a wrap around porch and a clean cut lawn, but no white picket fence.
I got of the car just as Joan got my two bags out of the trunk. I watched the taxi leave, then I turned around and grabbed one of the bags from Joan, following her into my new house for the next three months.
The inside of the house made it seem even bigger than it was. On the right of the stairs there was a doorway with no door that lend into the living room and on the left of the stairs, which were in front of the door, there was a hallway that led to more rooms.
"You'll be sleeping in Jason's room over there."
I followed Joan up the stairs and down the hallway to the left. We stopped in front of a door and she said.
"If you need anything at all just ask Jason or me and we'll get it for you, ok?"
I nodded and watched Joan open the door.
I heard Joan 'ask what are you doing' then she walked in the rest of the way allowing me to come in too.
And there stood the hottest boy I've ever seen.
He had black hair that was a mess but it worked so good on him. He had his shirt off so I could see his abs, and he had muscles, not those small ones, but the ones like that dude that plays Captain America. He had a slight tan, and dimples!
I'm quessing this was Jason.
"Nothing," he said to his mom, "Who's he?" Turning to look at me.
I felt my face heat up in embarrassment.
Oh my god!
He's looking at me!
"We'll remember how I said someone was going to be living here," Joan asked. Jason nodded. "Well Mark here," she nodded at me, "is our new guest."
I gave him a small wave, looking at the ground embarrassment.
"Well," stretched out Jason, "I've cleaned up all my stuff from my room, so..." I watched as he slowly made his way to the door while his mom hook her head in amusement. My eyes widened.
I can't sleep alone...
Jason looked at me in bewilderment.
Oh shit, I said that out loud?
"Ok..." said Jason.
Joan glanced between the two of use then nodded slowly.
"Umm.. it's ok, Jason why don't you put all your stuff from the attic back?" I watched Jason sigh then nod in agreement. Great now I'm being a burden. I'm already invading their house.
I stayed in the room and sat on Jason's bed while he went to the basement and brung all his stuff back to his room.
I wanted to help, honestly. but I'm not a very strong person and I'd probably be in the way to much so I just sat and watched as he walked around.
"So I'll sleep on the floor while you sleep on the bed until we get another one, ok?" I couldn't help but frown. I didn't like sleeping alone, back home I would always have Vi..Vi..V... Gah I can't even say his whole name without wanting to cry.
"It's ok," I whispered. He looked over at me confused.
"What's ok?" He asked, turning around to fully look at me. His shirt was still off and he was slightly sweating.
His attention to me was making my face burn brighter. I'm not used to people looking at me for more than a couple of seconds.
"Umm.. Y..You k..kno..w, d..on..t to sl..eeep on the gr..oun..d," I stuttered out, looking at my hands.
They were shaking.
Oh no, what if he thinks I'm weird or gay for being ok with sleeping next to a guy, being a guy myself? Or maybe he thinks I'm weird for stuttering like an idiot? Or-
"Umm.. Are you sure. That might be, umm," he looked around the room as if searching for an answer, "you know, kinda weird right?"
God, I was right. He thinks I'm weird. He's gonna tell all his friends then words gonna spread and soon people will start to hurt me and I don't have any friends, or anyone close to being called a friend, to help me in a fight. Not that I would want someone to get into a fight because of me or for me.
Oh god I was too busy freaking out to hear what he was saying! now I must look like a weirdo for sure.
I heard Jason laugh then he walked over to one of the boxes and pulled out a white shirt and black boxer briefs.
"It's ok, whatever. I'm going to take a shower right now, ok?" He looked at me expectantly, and I nodded. I watched his back as he made his way out of the room.
I wonder what he said.

After about thirty minutes of me sitting on his bed staring at the door I watched the door slowly open to show Jason. His hair was wet and I could see through his shirt, which clung to him perfectly, and he looked soo good in his boxer briefs.
He looked up and looked surprised to see me there.
Fudge my face is starting to heat up again. Why does he keep looking at me?
I watched as he closed the door then made his way to his bed.
"You are going to sleep right," he asked.
I quickly nodded then I walked to the left side of the bed and crawled in.
Once I was under the covers I hastily took off my pants but kept my shirt then I reached over to the night stand and turned off the light, since it was on my side. After all that I laid completely still, too afraid that I might accidentally touch him, I still didn't know him.
Ten minutes passed of complete and utter silence. I'm pretty sure neither of us were even breathing. This is so embarrassing, thank God it's dark and the curtains weren't open so Jason couldn't see my blushing face.
"Are you blushing?"
My eyes widened and I could feel my fave burning brighter than before. I heard Jason laugh then felt the bed move as he moved.
"Hey," he whispered.
"Mhmm?" I replied.
"How old are you?"
Oh. I thought he was going to ask why I was even here. Why I'm not going to be at my house for the summer. Why I'm so shy, blush a lot. Anything but my age.
I heard him gasp.
"What!" he whisper yelled. "Holy Shit! I thought you were twelve or thirteen!"
Yeah, I know I have a baby face, and being so short didn't help my problem. I used to get bullied so much for looking like a child. But for some reason girls like that so a lot of girls stood up for me and now I only get bullied for being gay. Which is something else the girls at my school also like.
Girls are weird.
"Are you sure," he asked he laughed.
Of course I'm sure, I thought.
Then I remember that he can't see me so I mumbled a yes.
"Holy shit, dude." I heard him laugh in disbelief.
My eyes began to tear up.
I can't cry.
My eyes aren't watery.
Who cares what he thinks?
I do.
I felt my self starting to sob and my shoulders started to shake.
He doesn't have to make fun of me.
I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs.
"Mark?" Jason sounded hesitant.
I turned so my back was to him as I cried some more. Why can't I look like Jason? Why can't I have muscles. Why can't I be taller, smarter, less shy? Why did people have to bully me when I was younger for looking like a child? Why?
I felt Jason shift behind me, and surprisingly I felt his arms go around me pulling me up against his chest. I felt his left hand go down to my stomach to pull me towards him and stay there. "Shhh. It's ok. I'm sorry. I'm not making fun of you."
Lies. Everything he's saying is a lie.
"Please don't cry," he whispered in my ear. I felt his breath on my neck and I slowly started to calm down.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. I felt my eyes start to get droopy. I could hear Jason mumbling words I couldn't hear. "Goodnight..."


Heyyyy!!!! so another upload. Pretty proud of my self. This ones dedicated to swagfulcurls. Heyyyy GIRLLLLL. So please vote and comment and whatever and I'll try and upload by the end of next week. XD
And what do you think of Mark? Isn't he just adorable. Next chap will be in Jason's p.o.v. (btw's). And I might alternate every chap. and if you're still reading this then I love you!!!


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