Chapter 9

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Jason's P.O.V.

The date went wonderfully horribly.

Anything that could've gone wrong did. Every ride we wanted to go on had super long lines. Every time we went to eat I kept getting my shirt dirty. And every time I tried to win Mark one of those giant bears or stuffed animals I lost.

The only good thing was that every time in lost a game, or got food on my shirt, Mark would laugh and smile and say this was the best day ever.

Now the date, should I even call it that?, was over and I was driving us home. Mark was of course sleeping in the passengers seat, his head was rested against the window and every now and then he would mumble incoherent words. He looked so peaceful.

I stopped at a red light then I looked over at Mark. I reached out and just before my fingers touched his hair I heard a honk behind us and then I quickly drove the rest of the way home.


Marks P.O.V.

I felt like I was laying on a mountain of clouds. So soft and cozy all I could do in the sleep-like state I was in was to snuggle up against the clouds. Then I felt an angel lay down with me. The angel wrapped there arms around me and I felt so safe in there hold.

Sadly all good dreams had to come to an end.

Soon the angel turned into dirty clothes and the clouds turned into the cold, hard, carpeted ground of that closet. I cowered away into the corner, and when I heard the screaming and shattering of glass I screamed to drown out the noise. And it worked for a second, but then I woke up, screaming, in the arms of Jason who was telling me to calm down.

I could feel my chest tightening, my heart rate went up, and I forgot how to breath.

Calm down, calm down, calm down. I thought to myself.

All of a sudden Jason's lips were on mine.

My breathing gradually slowed down, and I started to kiss back.

I wrapped my fingers in his hair, slightly tugging his head towards my face. His arms wrapped around me so that there was no space between us. My mind went blank and all I could think was he's an amazing kisser. The kiss got more and more intense the longer it went on. But it gradually began to slow down.

We pulled apart so that our foreheads were touching, so was our noses, our breathes came out in short puffs and huffs.

"Sorry," Jason whispered. I looked into his brown eyes (A/N: idk if I said his eye color so it'll now be brown) which were staring right back at me.

"For what," I whispered/gasped out, I stared at him in confusion.

"Kissing you."

He said it so straightforward I couldn't help but to blush a deep shade of red. Jason chuckled and rubbed his nose against mine.

"God I love it when you blush."

That statement made me, if possible, blush more than humanly possible. He laughed then pushed me back against the bed. His hands went on either side of my head to prop himself up, so as not to crush me. His legs went between my own, so I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him down to me.

We stayed like that, off in our own little worlds. All I could think of though, is what does this mean for us? I mean we've already done... that... and gone on a sorta date...I think. But what if he's not even, ya know, not even into me like that. What if he's just using me out of fun, for a laugh. Or just to please himself?

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