His Toy 25

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"Jesus Steph it's 10 in the morning and your just now coming in?" Stacey ask the moment her eyes landed on Steph who had just walk out of the elavator trying to be unnotice. It was not really her fault she came here late, since Marshall decides that this morning was a great time to start playing games.

But if only she could say that to her. "I stayed up all night trying to work on these, I'm so sorry" Steph frowns showing her the documents that she just worked on this morning over breakfast and during her ride here. Since Marshall thought it will be great if he give her a ride to work.

"Did you now?" Stacey ask curiosity in her eyes squinting them at her as Steph took her seat at her desk her eyes remained on the elevator door since she had come up first so Marshall would come up last to make the situation less weird.

"Yes, why you looked like you have just seen a ghost though" Steph ask furrowing her brows pointing to Stacey's facial expression.

"Savanna is here" she let out lowly as she looks through the files that Steph had just gave her.

"Where?" Steph ask looking around the room not really wanting to come face to face with that demon they call a woman again. Steph watch as Stacey points over to Marshall's office door gesturing that the demon was currently in his office. "Really?" She ask furrowing her brows her voice crunching up in disgust.

Soon they were snapped out of the little bubble they were in hearing someone clear their voice in front of their desk, they both shot up from their chair coming face to face with Marshall.

"Good morning Mr Vince" both Steph and Stacey quickly greet, Steph offering him a small smile.

"Good morning" Marshall answers with a smile which he never did. He would often reply to them greeting him with a small nod before entering his office.

Stacey shoot Steph a suprised look before clearing her voice and turning back to Marshall "Ms Cohen came to see you earlier this morning. She insisted that she stayed and wait for you in your office though I told her she could not. So do expect her when you walk in" Stacey state.

Marshall furrow his brows confused before looking over to Steph and going in his office.

"Did you see that" Stacey whisper to Steph taking her seat at her desk at the same time Steph did. The guy was smiling right all up in her face of course she saw it. It makes her happy to see him happy, away from that cold hearted Marshall he used to be.

"See what" Steph ask acting as if she did not know what she was talking about.

Marshall's Side (been a long time)

The minute that Marshall step in his office he was smacked in the face with the smell of overused perfume knowing Savanna he was used to it. His eyes scan the room for her finding her seating at his desk. "Savanna" Marshall says in acknowledgment pushing his hands in his pocket as he walked over to his desk.

"Good morning to you too Marshall" she answer with a smirk on her face looking up at Marshall.

"Danie didn't tell me that you were going to come in for fitting today" Marshall add ignoring her comment walking over to his chair and pulling it from under the desk with her still seating in it he waited for her to get up.

"I wanted to come and see you, you knew I was coming yesterday why did you send your assistant to come and pick me up instead of you coming?" Savanna ask getting up from his chair letting Marshall seat down.

"I was busy, plus that's her job" he answer taking is seat and crossing his legs.

"I spoke to your father" she smiles as if it was a good thing. It probably was a good thing for her but it did not mean that it was a good thing for Marshall. If anything it was the worst. Since the day that Savanna had started modeling for this company his father somehow took a liking to her

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