His Toy 44

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He was hurting and she could see that. It caused her own heart to hurt too, but she was not going to fall for him once again. She was not going to let herself fall for him again. So she yanked herself from against the wall, pulling away from him and removing her face from his hand.

"I don't know you so please I'm asking you to stay away from me" she groan before pushing pass him and walking away.

Marshall's Side

Marshall stumble back as his hands fell down to his side, it felt as if his whole world was falling apart. He turn to watch as she walked away, fading away into distance. Not even realizing the tears that were now rolling down his face.

He leans his body against the wall to take in the fact that she was really gone. There was no way he will find her again in this life at this time. He was starting to think that it was the universe punishing him for the things he did to her and all the horrible shit he put her through.

He could not live without her, knowing that there was some one living in Georgia that looks just like her, and could possibly be her.

The only difference between the two was that the Steph he knew was shy, she was not able to stand up to him like that not in a million years.

He watch as Steph walked away leaving him tearing down not able to control himself anymore, not having the ability to hold back his tears feeling his heart crush.

Steph's Side

The next morning it was the same routine for Steph. Wake up brush her teeth take a shower and eat breakfast before going back to her room to study and do her assignments that were due the next day before work.

She still had a three thousand word short story to finish before work which is due by 12 am tonight.

Even though her first dream was to become a fashion designer or just get involve in the fashion industry anyway she could. She failed to achieved it and was forced to go with her plan B and get her papers to become a editor instead, since she enjoyed reading and writing. She figured that it was not a bad career choice for her after all.

Steph let out a deep sigh looking down at her computer cracking her fingers as she sat on her bed crisscross.

Her fingers hover over the key board, her fingers not once making contact with the keys she wanted to press down on. Frustration taking over her once again, not seeming to get her mind off what happened last night. Her head was still filled with the incident that had taking place with Marshall the other night.

Bringing her hands to her head Steph digged her fingers into her hair wanting to scream. She was not even sure how long sh was going to be able to keep up that act before Marshall finds out.

She was fine where she was right now in her life, perfectly fine. She did not want Marshall to come and ruin it.

Steph's laptop starts to ring snapping her out of her thoughts. Her eyes moved to her laptop screen seeing that it was a incoming call from Emma on Skype. Smiling Steph's fingers move over the touch pad of her laptop accepting the call.

"Hey babe, how are you. I miss you" Emma's voice boom through the speaker causing the corner of her lips to rise up into a huge smile.

"Hey, I miss you too baby. I could be worst, what about you?" Steph smiles watching her best friend through the screen of her laptop. Thankful that she was able to call her at the time, making everything feel much better.

"I would say great but, this little guy makes my life hell" Emma answers with a tiring sigh turning the camera to show her Kien her one year old son. "Baby auntie Steph is on the phone" Emma says catching her one year old's attention who was now running toward her off the carpet jumping on her.

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