His Toy 55

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Hearing a knock on her door Steph groan into her pillow removing it from under her head and putting it over her head to block out the noise. "Stephanie!" She could hear her mother starting to screaming from the other side of the door impatiently.

Groaning Steph decides to get out up, as soon as she seat up on her bed she could feel a sharp pain shooting through her head as if it was in her brain. An uncomfortable lump in her throat and everything that she ate yesterday rising up in her chest making her feel nauseous.

"Come in" Steph answers rubbing her head and getting out of bed.

"Are you awake, I brought you some pain killers and a glass of water" her mother says as the door open and she walls in.

"Thank you" Steph smiles lightly taking the glass and the pill from her and walking back to her bed. "What time did I come in last night?" Steph ask not remembering a thing from the  night before except for the fact that she went out with her friends and drinked a lot.

"You don't remember?" Her mother ask her furrowing her brows. "This is why I tell you over and over again to not drink so much or even drink at all when you go out" her mother frowns.

"I know, I'm sorry" Steph frowns throwing the pill in her mouth and drinking water after it before she could swallow.

"Marshall dropped you off last night and you were pass out" her mother shrug like it was nothing. "I thought you guys were not really on friendly bases, how is it that you were with him right after the day you cried about how horrible he is? Are you guys together now or something?"

"No! God no. Why would you even think that ma?" Steph frowns. "It was just a ride home because...because..." Steph tried to find the best explanation she could come up with about what had happened, but stopped remembering what had happened last night with Ethan and and everyone causing her to frown.

"No lo sé" her mother shrugs again. "By the way I made lunch, since you slept almost the whole day, come down stairs and eat something" her mother tells her before leaving her room. [ I don't know ]

Steph nod her head placing the almost empty glass of water on her nightstand getting up to take a cold shower. Grabbing her phone that was laying on her bed plugging it in so that it could be full by the time she leaves to go to work.

Steph waited until she got three bars and turn on her phone her eyes widening at how her phone was buzzing in her hand nonstop with notifications.

55 missing calls

"Holy shit" scrolling down to see who was trying to call her, she finds out that Stacey, Steph and Ethan tried to call her both last night and this morning.

Scrolling back up to the top of the list Steph click on Emma's name letting it ring putting it on speaker. Grabbing both her phone and charger she left her room to plug it in the bathroom so she could go and take a shower.

"I would say good morning, but it's already afternoon. Sooo good afternoon drunkie!" Emma's voice boom through her speaker causing Steph to immediately turn down the volume before grabbing her tooth brush. "Shit...I regret that" she could hear Emma wince causing her to laugh.

"Good after noon love, why were you guys blowing up my phone all last night and this morning? Wasn't I just with you" Steph chuckles wetting her tooth brush before putting tooth paste on it and wetting it again before she starts to brush her teeth.

"Well, Stacey and I were just calling to make sure that you got home safe, and you know...to know that Marshall did not try anything slick" she answers and Steph could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Yes, thank you. I got home and just woke up" Steph answers after spitting out her toothpaste.

"Good to know babes, listen want to get some food later today with Stacey and I?" Emma ask.

"Who's that? Is that Steph?" Steph could hear Stacey ask in the back ground.


"Hey there sexy!" She could hear Stacey hell before cursing under her breath like Emma.

"Good after noon gorgeous" Steph laughs before rinsing out the toothpaste in her mouth and brush. " I have work later so I can't make it, I'm sorry guys" Steph frowns.

"Who works on a Sunday I mean seriously"

"I do and I already took yesterday off for you guys so I can't today. Cause you know there are bills to be payed " Steph laughs.

"Marshall needs to seriously give it a rest. I mean even God took a rest on the 7th day"

"Well, another thing is, I'm not God, but don't worry I will go out and have lunch with you guys before you leave" Steph smiles.

"Good, you better not go back on your words alright" Emma warns.

"I promise, now I gotta go take a shower. I'll talk to you later" Steph tells her as she open her Spotify.

"Talk to you later" Emma answers before sending her a kiss through the speaker which Steph return before the line went flat.


" Thank you for the food mama" Steph tells her mother placing a kiss on her cheek as she got up taking her dirty plate with her to the sink.

"You're welcome sweety, I see you brought back your blond locks" her mother smiles at her looking up from her phone.

"Yup, you like?" Steph smiles running her fingers through her hair pushing them back.

"Very much, you know I never did like when you dyed them black. Blond suits you better and they reminds me of your father" her mother chuckles staring up at Steph who had turn to glance behind her.

" Thank you, and you said you liked the black dye" Steph frowns. "You basically had me around walking like a clown and saying that you liked it" Steph laugh "way to go".

"What? que esperabas que dijera?" Her mother laughs. "No mother in their right mind would tell their child they look ugly when they are experimenting" her mother defends. [ What did you expect me to say? ]

"Wow mom wow. Thank you" Steph nods wiping her hands dry with the kitchen cloth.

"De nada" her mother answers offering her a small smiles going back to her phone.

"I'm going up to finish my home works, I'll see you later alright?" Steph tells her mother getting a nod from her mother before she could leave the kitchen to go upstairs.

Now that she was full and felt a little bit better than when she had woke up this morning. She was finally focuse enough to finish her assignment and study for her test on Monday that she pray every night she will pass.

Once she enter her room,
Steph close her door behind her sighing grabbing her laptop off her desk and bag moving to her bed. She always found her self doing her home work or studying on her bed instead of her desk which was made for those type of things because of the comfort her bed brought her.

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