Creeps - The Average Day

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"Oh yes, and you call yourself amazing," I muttered as watched my big brother try to push the block out of the Jenga Tower. He wasn't choosing the most logical decisions, but helping him would just result in bad things.

"Shut up."

I watched as the whole tower fell and felt a small grin crawl across my face. He angrily kicked the scattered blocks and threw one at me, probably sensing my overconfident attitude.

I stopped smiling and averted my eyes. "Put these back in the bucket," he ordered.

"Yes, sir," I said with a sigh, making sure I didn't meet his eyes. When he walked away, I began cleaning each block and made it perfect for my older 'brother.'

The thing is my brother and I weren't really siblings. More like, I was left on my Mom's doorstep. To be honest, I wasn't really like the family in any way at all. Trigger, the annoying brother who constantly wants to be belittle me, hated me because of it.

Due to the fact that his parents decided to be idiots and not look after me very well, it was my fourteen year old brother's job. He was pretty bad and would act worse if I screwed something up... Which was often. I'm a bit too curious for my own good, and nothing is perfect in his eyes.

You see; my brother has OCD, ADHD, and some serious anger issues. Every time he feels like playing a game with me which is rather often, he'll lose and storm off in a rage while I have to clean it up and make it perfect or else. My brother's only job was to lower my enthusiasm, and he knew just how.

He makes fun of my name which is Angora by the way. He also makes fun of my chocolate colored skin which I find funny.

Here's one thing we both have in common, yet completely opposite. He's the healthiest Albino I have ever seen. His snow white skin and my Hershey chocolate skin made us perfectly compatible. We were an example of perfect siblings when we went in public. The rare times I went out of the house, it was with him.

In their dreams.

He also made fun of the way I looked. I had wide shoulders, long arms, and long legs. My unnatural eyes shined extremely bright gold. My hair went to my hips in beautiful shiny braids that Mother made me get redone every month, so when people did see me, I didn't look a mess.

You could say my brother and I are closer than sky and the ground.

Our parents were most likely at Chang's- A Chinese Restaurant around the block, trying to avoid being around me. Our parents absolutely hated being seen with me, yet they love to brag to everyone about the private school for albinos that their sweet boy went to.

I was just home schooled. By home schooled, I mean I'm not schooled at all. I yearned for education, but of course, they didn't care. As long as I lived in their house, I was under their rules.

How long could I take being neglected? I wasn't sure, but it didn't matter. Even when I got tired of it, there'd be no way out unless I ran away. Then, I would most certainly die somehow.

I cleaned each block that I put into the bucket and couldn't help but smile as it shined. Maybe, Trigger would be proud.

I stood and quietly walked towards the garage, and climbed into the attic. This is where we kept all of our games and it was where I slept. I had painted this place when I turned six. When I was eight, I carved on the railing in the steps.

I ran back down and went into the kitchen. "Boil me a hot dog while you're at it!" Trigger yelled from the living room.

Oh no...

Anytime I cooked anything, I failed. I had burned marks all over me, and my brother wasn't very forgiving when I messed something up. When I was five, I accidentally poured the boiling water on my feet.

Let's say . . . Trigger had not been amused.

I sighed and walked outside. From what I had heard, the common person hates the outside world, and they stay on some electronics all day.

I love nature but it wasn't my choice to be this way. I had nothing else to look forward to. Really, I wasn't even allowed to be out there, but I needed my precious sky and trees.

The only bad thing about it was that I had to wait until nightfall when my obnoxious brother went to sleep, so he wouldn't murder me for coming out here and ignoring his request. I rubbed my arms and realized it was probably below freezing this time of year.

I was going to freeze the death.


I walked through the woods for quite some time. It felt like I had been out here forever. I sunk down to the ground. My brother was right. I am an idiot.

Why hadn't I grabbed a jacket or a robe? It was too cold to be wearing so little out here.

I then felt my tongue begin to bleed. As weird as this sounds, I loved the taste of my blood. It was warm and sweet. I didn't like the smell of blood though. It smelled to much like rusting coins... But, it was a nice taste. My taste really.

I began to dig my nails into my skin to calm my anxiety and stood. I needed to find warmth or make a fire. Too bad I didn't know how to make one, and I was hopelessly lost.

I felt something soft land above on me, and I realized it was beginning to flurry. I would most likely have to spend the night out here for the third time this week. When I was at home, I usually got the luxury of sleeping in the attic, so it wasn't much better. Still, at least there was a roof.

I kept on walking. I honestly have no idea what was going on in my mind that day. I didn't want to go home, yet I knew that it was dangerous to sleep out here. It was night time, but if I went home, I wouldn't hear the end of it tomorrow. Perhaps, I was fearful.

Why was I so scared? My brother would be mad, but it happened so often... It wasn't a big deal.

Perhaps, I had been going crazy. The thought of being hit with another object, or him cracking my bones with metal bars, wooden planks, and burning pots terrified me. I had directly disobeyed him, and I had run.

Maybe, that was why I was so determined to get away. It didn't care if I died because it struck me that one day, my brother could kill me. He could crack my skull, choke me to death, drown me. All of his methods could result in me dying. Like a normal human, I wanted to escape.

Well, it was a matter of time before my legs did give out in the cold snow. I fell to the ground and watched the snow above me fall. I smiled. Maybe I would truly die out here. A very quiet death. I wouldn't be murdered by my brother. I would live and die at my own choosing. This thought was quite nice.

So, I chose this: a nice, cold, frozen death.

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