Chapter Eight- The Look Of Death

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I keep getting random writer's block XD

"Jeff, where's Angora?" Slenderman asked me.

"I have no idea, and I have no desire to know," I lied while leaning against the wall.

Slenderman shook his head, and it was clear that he knew I was lying. "It seems like you'd know the most," he said in an overly sarcastic voice.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I said.

"You hate her," Sally snapped as she walked in and sat on the couch right next to me. She looked irritated, and I could hear her muttering things under her breath. She obviously didn't like Angora just like me.

"True true," Ben said as he came in and sat next to her. I glared at him, and he simply grinned. He had been acting so strange since Angora came.

"So, everyone's against me on that?" I said, and all three of them nodded.

"Okay fine, I saw her go to the lake earlier. I asked her why, and she just said she needed fresh air. That was the last I saw of her. Your welcome."

Slenderman instantly went out to the lake, and I ran out to catch up with him. Then, we both saw the beautiful that dead body in the water. I knew that I drowned her, but I hadn't expected her to float on the water.

There she was floating in the middle of the lake. Her eyes seemed to glow really brightly as she stared at the sky as she stared at the sky. She looked so innocent as she stared at the sky, and I knew Slenderman would know that I caused this. I tried to think of lies.

"Maybe she commited suicide?"

"Why would she do that, Jeffery?"

"I don't know. Perhaps it has something to do with her old family."

"Yeah, she didn't even hang out with her family. Get her out!" Slenderman yelled angrily, and I nodded. Then, I put my foot in the water and instantly jumped back up from surprise. There was something in there like leaches or something, and it began to pull me down. Maybe she didn't float back up because something had been pulling her down? That made a lot more sense.

"Something's in there," I said and shook my head. Slenderman sighed, and I knew that he had become aggressive then and there.

"I'm going to turn around. In thirty seconds, if she isn't back on land, I will kill you. And don't you dare try to talk while I'm counting because I'll won't lisen, and I will kill you. Time starts now."

He turned around and started. "One. Two. Three..."

I ran around the lake and looked around. I got a huge branch from off the side of a tree and began trying to splash it in the water letting the small waves and pushed it her onto land. When she was close enough, I ran back around and grabbed the tip of her hand and dragged her onto land.

Then, Slenderman turned around and saw her. "Jeffery, stand back," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just do it!" He yelled.

I looked at her and saw it. Golden streaks were coming out of her eyes, and her skin began to glow supernaturally. Then, we couldn't even see her because the light that poured out of her eyes so brightly. Slenderman walked towards her and turned around. "Angora?" he said..

Her hand twitched, and she said, "It's cold."

"Stay right there," he said then walked back towards me.

I turned towards him and asked. "What happened?"

"Well. . . I have a theory. It seems that every time she dies, she undergoes some physical change. When I found her in the woods, she didn't know that she had already frozen to death. Then, she developed claws and fangs. Now, go look at her. Look at what she has."

I walked towards her and saw the two black small horns peaking out the top of her head. The white around her eyes was now black making her hae black eyes with golden irises. Her ears were pointer at the end. She was perfect, and I wanted her dead. How do I kill her?

Slenderman walked back towards her and picked her up, and she hugged him while shaking. She was obviously freezing.

But, her death was slow, and she was aware that she was dying. She may or may not remember. She obviously didn't know that she died last time, he told me through telapathy. She groaned and moved slightly.

"Angora, are you okay?" Slenderman asked her and patted her back.

"The water," she said and shook her head.

"It's okay. You were dreaming," he said. Why'd he always use that excuse for her?

"Jeff was in the dream though."

Oh no...

Slenderman looked at me and back at her. I listened to them and prepared to run when she was done talking.  This would not end well.

"Okay, so tell me, what did Jeff do in the dream?"

"He held me under the water. Why am I soaked? It's cold out here," she said and hugged him a lot tighter.

"Did Jeff drown you?" he asked her and patted her.

"Well, he almost did. I faked stopped breathing, and he walked off. When I was about to get out, something grabbed me and dragged me down deeper. I didn't know what it was... The water was too dark. Slenderman, Why am I out here?"

She honestly looked innocent even with her strange look. I wondered if Sally was jealous of her because of that. After all, a lot of attention was being focused on her.. Also, Sally was only two years younger than her. How could she not be jealous?

"Angora, I'll take you to your room and get you a heater and some more blankets, then, I'm gonna have a little talk with Jeff..."

Oh no...

Looks like it time to run.


Short, I know, but I needed to update cause I felt like I took to long!!!

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