Chapter Fourteen- The Ultimate Decision

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I forgot about the little POV sign I made. Okay! It's back!

Ends the chapter so sweetly in the other chapter... Then, I just do

This Chapter



Something was going on between Angora and Ben. They hung out way to much.

They were in his room, and I was trying to find out some other way to get rid of her. I was desperate, and a voice inside of my head wanted me to trick her and hand her over to Zalgo.

But, I wasn't stupid.

But I was desperate.

I sighed, and Clockworks sat down beside me then leaned her head on his shoulder. "You should give up on Angora."

"I know that you're gonna become her friend. I'm find with that, but it doesn't mean I have to do the same."

She kissed my cheek. "Don't get caught up in it. I'd hate for you to get caught up in the Zalgo mess going on with her."

I hated to lie to her. I was thinking about making her go to Zalgo, but she was right. I most likely would be manipulated into doing something stupid.

Clockworks sighed. "Ignore her. She stopped bothering you. Why do you keep bothering her? Honestly, you are coming obsessed with her."

"I am not!"

"Keep thinking that. Just don't bother her tomorrow. I'm gonna hang out with her, and you should hang out with Ben or someone other than Sally because it's a clear sign that you are obsessed."

I crossed my arms and ignored her. "Shut up."

"Whatever," she muttered and walked out.

Secretly, I knew she was right. I was obsessed with getting rid of her, and it was getting stronger.

I sighed and decided not to take her advice.

The name took over my mind in an instant when I made my decision.



This chapter was very short. It was just a filler though.

Don't worry. The next chapter will be amazing.

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