Chapter Fifteen- Who Am I?

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This is one of the only Creepypasta FanFics where you see Jeff being one of the "bad guys" other than the fact that he kills.

Something else.

So, there is a Wattpad user who reads this story. Her username Rackella or something like that.


Don't change it cause it rocks!



I woke up forgetting when I even fell asleep. Ben's arm was wrapped around me, and I lifted his arm off of me.

I walked out of the his room and straight into mine. Then, I realized that everyone's room was... Different.

Mine being a huge cabin with a nice bathroom. Ben's was a gamer's paradise. Clockworks... Indescribable. So, this place really did mix.

I got some clothes out without even looking at them and went into my bathroom. I took a quick shower and put them on and looked in the mirror.

I loved my clothes, but I still didn't feel beautiful. . . Not even pretty. I was just there with demon horns, fangs, claws, black eyes and orange irises, kinda long limbs, a small smile, chocolate colored skin, and long hair. Ben called me pretty and beautiful, but I didn't see it, and I most likely never would.

I walked out and sat down on my bed. My door opened just as I realized I forgot to lock it, and Jeff walked in. He locked the door behind him.

I felt my heartbeat speed up, and he grinned and said, "You never answered my question."

"Um, what was it?"

"Who are you?" he said, and I remembered it. I went utterly and completely insane that day.

"I don't know what you mean."

He smiled even wider looking completely like he had nothing human left. "You are hiding something," he said.

"I'm so sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not."

He grinned and said, "Angora! Angora! What kind of name is that? And, where'd the burns and bruises come from, huh?"

"Shut up. That's none of your business."

"Why are you hiding it though? You clawed me in the arm, and you somehow made wounds on my face and turned my eyes an itchy red. What are you!?"

I backed up watching him lose his sanity right in front of me. I felt tears slip down my face.

I opened my mouth and answered with, "I don't know."

He spun on his foot. "You're not answering the question correctly!" he said and laughed enjoying my torment as all of his sanity slipped away.

"Jeff, stop," I said to him. Now, I was worried. He would get kicked out of the mansion if he kept this up. The Under Realm kept sanity levels low, so he was completely losing it.

"Stop what?"

I stood up and knew I had to do something. Jeff most likely wouldn't be afraid to hurt me if I ran out the door, but I wasn't afraid to hurt him.

I stared at him, and I felt that familiar anger rise. His expression lowered as he said, "Your eyes are slits again."

He slowly walked out, and I continued just thinking. Anger raging through my boiling blood.

Who was I? How could even ask that and he didn't know who he was? And, I didn't even know who he was?


I listened to the voice in the back of my head.




I walked towards my desk, but just as my pencil hit the paper. Slenderman came in.

"Turn around," he said, "and lift your head."

I nodded, and he shook his head. "Your eyes are slits again. Where do you channel your anger?"

"I don't channel it. It explodes and takes over. My blood bools and rage is all I can feel and see. My hand shakes, and a voice in my head whispers draw. I give in, and it feels wonderful."

I turned back around about to draw, and he said, "Angora, this isn't you. Stop."

"How do you know it isn't me?"

He sighed, "You seemed incredibly childish and nice when I met you. That's who you are. I can tell you weren't the type to get angry. Zalgo is doing this to you, so you need to stop."

I sighed and dropped my pencil. Then, I stood up and hugged him. "I'm really sorry."

"It's fine, and don't you have a day planned with Clockworks?"

Oh yeah.

I nodded and walked off feeling guilty. One questioning plaguing my mind:

Who am I?

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