All of Me ~ Luke Hemmings ~ Six

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"Look who showed up." I hear, and Liz and I turn around to see Ashton greeting us, a goofy grin plastered on his face. Liz smiles and walks over to him, giving him a big hug.

"I actually wouldn't miss it for the world." She says as they hug, and the other guys quickly join us, Calum rolling his eyes at Ashton.

"So little sis, ready for your first concert? It's gonna be pretty dope." Michael says, walking over to me, any feud we had before obviously behind us. I roll my eyes, Michael didn't even smoke. I shrug my shoulders and Michael smiles, ruffling my hair, which made my pony tail lopsided. I scowl at him and walk away, looking for a washroom to fix my hair.

"Where you going?" Liz asks, and I shrug without turning around, continuing to walk through twisting halls full of people with walkie talkies which made me really uncomfortable before I finally found a bathroom and I awkwardly knock, and when there was no answer I walk in. I sigh when I see the damage to my hair, I hated Michael sometimes. As I pull my hair out of my ponytail, it falls around my head in a big frizzy mess, I try my best to untangle it with my hands, but it wasn't really helping much, so I give up and put it in a messy bun.

I check my face once quickly before opening the door and smacking into somebody. I fall on the ground with a grunt and smack my head on the side of the wall during the impact.

"Ow.." I grumble, rubbing my head.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry- Delilah?" I hear my name and look up to see Luke looking down at me, a confused look on his face. He offers his hand out to help me up, but I ignore it and stand up on my own. He takes his hand to the back of his neck awkwardly and I brush myself off. This kid always pops up out of nowhere.

"Well, we're on in five.. They sent me to look for you, will you be in the crowd?" He asks, and I shrug. I didn't know if we were staying backstage or not, Liz hadn't completely informed me yet.

"Oh, are you at least coming to the after party?" He asks, trailing behind me as I try to find my way back to where everyone else was. I turn around and give him a look, I didn't even know that there was going to be an after party, yet alone even if I did why would I go?

"Michael told me some stories about how you were once an insane party animal." I grit my teeth as Luke chuckled and I harshly throw aside some wires that were thrown in my face.

"He said you were quite rebellious. That you were either coming home high or drunk at like three in the morning, you'd never go near boys though he said. Although, I've seen you at some of the parties, and I have to say I think that-" I cut him off with a hard glare, narrowing my eyes at him. He blushes and averts his gaze to his shoes, muttering an apology before I return to our group, the rest of the boys getting mics taped under their shirts. I catch Liz's gaze after she notices my arrival, I wink at her, letting her know that I saw her checking out Calum with his shirt up.

"Luke, come here so we can get you hooked up." Some dude who was attaching wires to Ashton said, and Luke nods and moves to the guy, and lifts up his shirt, I blush and turn my head the other way, not needing to be harassed by Liz later for looking longer than I should have.

I back away, letting the boys do their thing. My eyes land on Calum, who's glaring at his shoes and checking his phone way too often, it wasn't hard to tell he was pissed. For fucks sakes Liz, what did you do now.

Looking over, I see Liz and Ashton giggling and tickling each other. Oh, well I'm caught up now. Well, I would be mad too if I were Calum, I mean this time it actually looked like they were dating to someone who didn't know better. But I figured she was doing this on purpose after Calum's little tantrum on the phone earlier, so I shrug, letting bygones be bygones. It was none of my business anyways.

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