Chapter 15: One Night in the Forest: Epilogue.

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Natsu and the others made it to Lucy and Erza's location at around the same time, all of them anxious and worried about what had happened to the young girl.

"Erza what happened?" Gray yelled, Juvia appearing from behind him. "We heard Lucy scream."

Gajeel had arrived soon after and looked at Levy slightly annoyed when he stopped moving. "You can get off now."

Levy blushed, "'re right. I'm sorry." She slowly got off his back.

"I don't know." Erza said worriedly, "I think she's still in the trees."

With all of them gathered, Natsu walked over to the trees where Erza had pointed and looked for Lucy. He saw the older girl frozen in fear as he approached her. He reached out his hand and lifted a small snake from Lucy's shoulder, he then picked her up and brought her back to the others in the clearing.

"Here she's fine." He said as he placed Lucy on her feet. "She screamed because of this." He held up the small snake and began to laugh, "Wow, I didn't know you were such a scaredy cat Lucy."

Erza looked at him annoyed as she held Wendy's shoulders to comfort her. "Knock it of Nat..." she froze as her face turned white with fear, the words no longer able to come out of her mouth.

"What? I was just joking, what's wrong Erza?" He said with a confused look

He then looked at the rest of his friends, they too were captured by fear. All of their faces had gone pale.

"Uh N...Natsu." Levy said nervously as she moved behind Gajeel.

"Hmm? What is it?" He said, his eyes widened.

Juvia dashed behind Gray, holding on to his arm for dear life.

"What is up with you guys? Gajeel? Gray?" He asked looking at the two. Gray's mouth was wide open while Gajeel's was twisted in slight fright.

"huff huff huff." Natsu felt a warm breath moving across his neck, but he initially shrugged it off. He reached his hand behind his head laughing softly, "Ok Happy, you can stop...." He froze when he felt what was behind him.

It wasn't short cat's fur. It was long, coarse, warm, and slightly wet. He moved his hand up further and felt a set of razor sharp teeth, teeth so sharp that if bitten he would be in pieces. He continued to moving his hand up and felt a moist air from what felt like a nose.

"Huff Huff Huff Huff." The sound almost made his heart stop. He slowly turned around and saw this face of abject terror. It was a bear, but this was no ordinary bear; it had to be at least 12 feet tall, weigh over 600 hundred pounds...and it was hungry.

"ROOOAAARRRR!" the mighty creature's roar pierced the very heavens, as it covered the land. Natsu slowly stepped back, his face as white as his friends. Then without a moment's hesitation he yelled.


He grabbed Lucy and Erza by the hips, carrying them at his side as the group raced back to the campsite. Levy found herself once again attached to Gajeel's back, and Juvia found herself on Gray's back as well.

As they rocketed back through the forest, the bear was closing in behind them.

"This is all your fault girl!" Gajeel yelled at Lucy as they ran.

"What?! How is it her fault?" Erza yelled back at him.

"If she hadn't screamed so loud that bear wouldn't have found us and we wouldn't be running for our lives!"

"I'm sorry." Lucy apologized, light tears coming from her eyes due to the fear caused by the bear.

"Guys, I don't think now is the time to be fighting!" Gray said as they continued to run.

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