Chapter 18: Romero.

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Wendy & Natsu rushed out of the door as the dust outside settled to see that Gajeel was surrounded by hundreds of Night Shade wizards.

"Gajeel what happened?" Wendy asked anxiously

"I don't know these guys started to surround the bar just as you guys started to head out. I already sent Happy back to the others."

The three of them grouped together as the forces began to attack, Wendy re-quipped into her Sky Dragon Enchanted armor and began an aerial assault as Natsu & Gajeel fought from the ground. They began to gain the upper hand with the guilds dwindling...until the door to the bar opened.

All of the remaining members of Night Shade stopped fighting and turned their attention to the door. From out the door stepped their leader, Romero. The silver hair, distinct holes in pants, dark jacket; just like Wendy has suspected, it was the man she say in the Mayor's office building. As he stepped out of the bar the three could see that the bartender was dead, hunched over his bar, but something else caught their eye; Romero was holding the Mayor's secretary by the neck, squeezing the life out of her as she dragged along the ground.

"Let her go right now!" Wendy demanded as she floated to the ground next to Wendy & Gajeel who bared their teeth ready to fight.

He smirked at them maliciously and began to speak, his voice having a deep, gravely tone to it. "So I was right, Fairy Tail has come to Lumina." He looked over the three wizards as they stood across from him. "I see they sent three of their strongest here: three of the guilds three dragon slayers; Natsu Dragneel AKA Salamander, Black Steel Gajeel and Sky Maiden Wendy." He looked at the each as he said their names, "I'm flattered actually. You don't how happy this makes me." His face turned to rage "Now I can pay you back for destroying our guild hall!" the weight of his words was intimidating, but Wendy & the others stood their ground.

"I will tell you one last time." Wendy said slowly, but with such intensity. "Let her go now." Her stare burned a hole into the villain. His face reverted to it cocky smirk as he lifted the woman in his grip to the three. "Who? This woman? I no longer have a use for her." Then in one quick motion, he snapped her neck, killing her. As he threw her body to the wayside; Natsu already started moving.

"Natsu wait!" Wendy screamed, but it was too late, Natsu already made his way to Romero, his fist emitting an intense flame.

"You..." He drew his hand back to attack, but he suddenly felt a force pushing him backwards.

"Agh!" He flew back into the building behind them.

CRASH! It crumbled from the force of his impact.

"NATSU!" Wendy yelled in worry as she looked at Romero with anger. She moved to attack but was intercepted by Gajeel.

"Damn you!" the black haired wizard yelled as he rushed him. "Iron Dragon Sword!" he shouted as his right arm changed into a sharp blade with spiky protrusions, they began to vibrate rapidly mimicking a chainsaw blade as he face Romero.


The blade whirred as Gajeel moved to strike, bringing his arm upward. As he swung down however, he felt something blocking it.

"What the hell?" His blade had been parried and he was helplessly floating in the air for a few seconds, but that was all the time Romero needed.


He dug his fist into Gajeel's stomach, forcing the mighty wizard eyes to open in shock.

"Blagh!" He coughed out blood as he flew back in to the building next to Natsu.

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