The Book~

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Frisk's POV:

"Bye! We'll be back soon!" I shout as Chara shuts the door behind us, we're going to the library to study for the test we have coming up in school.

"Hey, Chara?" I look at my sister as she shoves her hands into her pockets.

"Yeah?" She looks ahead, watching the kids playing at the park. I wave at Monster Kid and then look back down,

"What's going on with you? It's just you've been acting weird like all week and I'm worried, we all are; even Sans is concerned y'know. I just...I know that you say you're alright but I don't want you to be suffering in silence. You have people that seriously care about you, don't forget that."

"Frisk I- I'm really okay, if anything was messing with me I would tell you about it. I can trust ya, alright? I'm just not getting good sleep, okay?" She's lying, I know she is.

"Okay... I trust you too."

Chara's POV:

"Okay... I trust you too." Frisk says, it hurts because they shouldn't trust me. I'm not a person to be trusted, especially when I'm lying straight to their face. I have never been a person to trust, and I never will be.

I sit down and open the book, reading the pages about the monster world; I told Frisk that I was reading about the test, extinct animals –another lie-. I just want to know something about the other fallen humans, Gerson wrote this book and I've seen Frisk reading it a few times.

The first fallen human became the last, they were young when they arrived underground with the monsters. The underground was always bright, and the human didn't change that; the child may have even made it better, if it was even possible. While yes, the monsters did miss their home on the surface terribly they were trying to make the most of where they would spend the rest of their lives.

However, one day the human fell ill, it was terrible and upsetting for the whole underground... then the human passed. The King and Queen's son took the soul and left the underground to take the child back to their village, however when he arrived the humans believed that he had killed her and they attacked. The prince did not fight back. Instead, he took his adopted sister and fled back to the underground. He fell to the ground and his body turned to dust, that was when the first golden flower grew and the underground went into despair.

A few months after the monsters were set free by Frisk the human, the last fallen child... they felt someone in them, trying to get out. The child went to the lovely Doctor Alphys and told her of this feeling. Their soul was somehow linked with the first human's, the doctor managed to half the red soul and the first child was back from the dead. A little while later, the prince was also brought back.

"Come on Azzy, just tell me what you think!" I said to my younger brother as I held up the bright pink sweater that I'd knitted for Dad. He continued laughing at it and then suddenly went dead silent,

"he will like it." Then he burst out laughing again.

"Hey... Mr Dad Guy, I made you a sweater." I held it out and watched the large goat man's expression change, there were tears at his eyes. "I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you..! I- I knew it was bad but I-"

"You didn't upset me at all! It's wonderful Chara!" He took me in his arms and squeezed me so tight I thought I was going to die.

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