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Frisk's POV:

I wave goodbye to Toriel before walking out of the house and pushing my sleeves up, we're going training now and I'm kind of worried about it. I've never had to do something like that, I've always just been good at fighting but now that I have to use magic?

I don't even understand why I'm training, I'm not going to fight anyone ever... I hate doing it, when I had to fight Asgore I felt so much worse than when I took all the monster candy in the ruins, and that was a bad feeling. Having to kill someone is terrible, it's the worst thing in the world... in the universe even; I don't want to have to do that again.

Chara's POV:

I looked at the drawing of the dead stickmen laying on the ground on my piece of paper. There was something missing...

"Aha! I know what it needs, more red." I picked up the red crayon and scribbled over the bodies, they all looked so lifeless it was hilarious.

"Chara, no." Asriel looked at my paper and shook his head. I laughed,

"Come on Azzy, they deserve death after what they've done."

"Okay, so it's pretty simple. You just think of what you want and then you just... do it." Sans says, his left eye turns blue-green and a gaster blaster appears next to him. I close my eyes and then open them, making them melt; then I think of a steak knife, one appears in the air beside me. I smile, easy.

Frisk's POV:

I close my eyes and try to think of a plastic knife, I open my eyes and look around myself... there's nothing here! I close them again and try to think harder than I did before, I look again and there's still nothing.

"They can't do it." Chara laughs, I look over at Asriel who's somehow managed to make himself the God of Hyperdeath again.

"Are you kidding me?" I say angrily, looking at Undyne who's now 'Undyne the Undying' and Papyrus has bones floating around him. I close my eyes again and think of the plastic knife, still nothing! I keep them open this time and think of the plastic knife once more, again, nothing. "SERIOUSLY?!" I shout, looking at Sans who's looking at me awkwardly; I see sweat form on his head before I walk away to sit by the tree.

"Hey Kid, come on... you'll manage it, it's just harder for you cuz you don't fight. You're a mercy user, not a fighter so it'll take longer for you to show your powers." Sans says as I walk back over to them all as they train with each other.

"I tried really hard though, I don't understand how everyone else can be so powerful but I'm not! Like, how did Asriel even do that?! He just has a normal soul, wait no- not even! His soul is ARTIFICIAL! I've got a split soul of determination and I'm the main holder of it so why can't I do anything like that?! It doesn't make any sense! It's not fair! I try really hard! I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to fight but I have to because one day something bad will happen and I'll have to finish it." I scream, ignoring the tears on my cheeks. "I really try hard! I try so hard to be like you guys but I'm not and I never will be. I'm not good enough!"

"Kid, I-"

"Why can't I do that stuff? Why can't I be like you all? Why do I have to just talk to people, why do I have to care about humanity after everything they've done?!" I cry, my hands fists.

"Frisk- look." Chara points to behind me, I wipe my eyes and turn around; there's a huge figure holding their arms out for a hug with a smile, it looks like me.

"Woah..." I step back and take it in.

"Kid, this is who you are. You don't have to use violence, that's not who you are and if anything... we should be jealous of you for not being able to do the things you've done. Don't put yourself down for not being like us, you should be proud of who you are... there's no one better." Sans pats my head and I smile, he's right. This is who I am and there's no one else I would ever want to be, I don't ever want to swap my life for someone else's.

I make flowers appear around me and then I throw them at Asriel, he transforms back into his normal self and looks at me,

"That's so cool! I didn't do that, it was your flower attack!"

"No way!" I shout happily, I throw one at Sans and his eyes go back to normal, all of his attacks disappearing. "MUAHAHAHA!" I laugh.

Chara's POV:

I start running as Frisk runs at me with their arms out wide, they're laughing evilly,

"I'll get you and I'll hug you!"

"You'll never take me alive!" I shout, throwing a magic knife at them.

"You hit me that time!" They say happily, the knife phases right through them.

"Wow- I- Hah! I did!" I say, I stop moving and before I know it Frisk has their arms wrapped around me.

"See how strong I've gotten Chara?" Asriel laughed, a rainbow farting out of his hand.

"Strong? Really?" I laughed. His eyes suddenly turned black and a giant rainbow shot out.

"I'd say that's pretty strong for a ten year old." He smiled, I just looked at him astonished. He was laughing before he ran up to me and tackled me in a hug, I pretended to struggle out of it but I actually liked it... I felt safe hugging him, it felt normal, like something I'd been waiting for a while.

Frisk's POV:

I stand on the grass and look at everyone as they gather their things so we can go home and get some lunch. I start walking behind them but Sans stops me, his eyes black,

"Hey Kid, wait here a minute. I think I need to talk to you about something."

"Erm, okay? What's u- going on?" I look at him, holding my bag's handles.

"I just- I feel like I shoulda told you this already but I couldn't bear to think of it. The reason we were all so quiet about Gaster was because... he was my dad, y'know the-"

"The one that hurt you... SansI'msosorryIdidn'trealiseIneverwould'vebroughtitupifIhadknownwhohewaspleaseforgiveme!" I look at him, I can't believe I spoke so freely about a man who hurt my family like that!

"It's fine Kiddo, I just thought you should know. Papyrus, he doesn't really remember any of that so just... don't bring him up, I'm worried that the memories will just come rushing back to him and it's best for him to not know of any of that."

"Okay, of course. I'm sorry Sans, I- I'm really sorry."

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