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Frisk's POV:

Horses appear around me, I give an evil yet somehow emotionless smile before they race towards him. He dodges a few and gets hit by a few. Red axes and red souls appear all around him, they come flying at me along with him and his own axe. I dodge all of them but three, doing backflips, cartwheels and anything else that can help me get past them without being hit. He tries to slice me but I keep moving backward as he keeps moving forward, taking a lot of swings at me.

"You. STuPid. ChiLd." He shouts, cutting my arm slightly... 2HP down, nothing I can't handle. I spin around, creating a cloud of dust; once it's so cloudy he can't see a thing, I push the floating dirt away and smile,

"Butterscotch or cinnamon?" I ask.

"WhaT are You tAlkIng aBouT?!" He screams, throwing an axe at me. I step aside,

"Both then? That can be arranged." I grin as scolding hot pies start flying after him, he puts a shield up in front of him and dodges most. A few hit him, everything goes black for a millisecond and then we're back to the pies running at him. He must've died and then come back, well, he should know not to mess with my family.

I surround myself with blue hearts and throw them at him,

"Don't move." I say, he doesn't listen and jumps back when they hit him, running away from them. "Good job, guess you can't take instructions then?"

"SHUT UP!" He screams, thousands of axes flying towards me. My health goes straight down to zero, I take a deep breath and grab my save file, then I'm back, dodging his attack far better this time. I see my family staring at the fight through the corner of my right eye as I jump away from the maniac swinging a giant weapon at me.

"Now...Move!" I smile, throwing orange hearts at him; he keeps running and they phase through him, "Good boy!" I say as I laugh at him.

"URGH! StOP TALKING YOU LITTLE BRAT!" He screams, I imagine his hair on fire from his rage. Then my imagination becomes a reality, he runs around trying to put it out, I dump a bucket of water on him as I laugh. "Huh, you're really good at amusing kids y'know. You should be a party entertainer or something silly like that." I say as he looks like he's about to kill me, he doesn't though.

Chara's POV:

"How're we meant to know if they're winning or not, they could fight forever unless he somehow gets tired." I say, looking at Asriel. He shrugs and keeps watching with curiosity. I look over at Papyrus who's holding his hand to Sans' wound, healing him slowly. I asked why he didn't do it faster, he repeated with a:

"If it's too powerful it will be too strong for him and he'll die."

I'd rather that not happen.

"It's okay brother, the Great Papyrus will save you. Don't worry Sans." Papyrus says quietly, I look back at the fight. Frisk has to win.

Frisk's POV:

I throw more shattered hearts at him, he jumps aside and runs up to the tree; he jumps off it and over the attacks.

"JusT dIe alReaDy!" Caleb screams furiously, then he runs towards my friends. I jump in front of them with a shield, he breaks it though and cuts right through my skin.

I reach for my save file.

I make a stronger shield this time, a few of them as well. His axe breaks and he steps back, huh, now he only has his powers... real weapons are always stronger than magic-made ones, that's for sure. Yes, you can always have extremely powerful magic attacks but it's always far better with a real weapon.

"Chara! Toss me a knife." I shout, my wounded sister throws one over to me and I catch it carefully. Closing my eyes for a moment, I take a deep breath. He crawls backwards, I jump up into the air and then slam down on the ground. The earth shakes.

"Okay I'm sorry! I- I'm sorry I hurt them!" He cries, actual tears coming from his eyes.

Chara's POV:

They won't accept it, he could've killed Sans... he could've killed all of us, he almost did. I know I wouldn't accept that apology, he should never be given a second cha-

"Okay." Frisk says, I stand straight up despite the pain in my stomach and walk over to them.

"What are you doing?! Kill him!" I shout at my sibling, they drop the knife and sit down with crossed legs.

"No, he apologized. Everyone should be given a second chance, everyone." Frisk smiles genuinely, what are they talking about?

"No, they shouldn't." I say angrily, "he doesn't deserve it, he doesn't deserve to be forgi-"

"We were forgiven Chara. We were forgiven for everything we did in the underground, so why can't he be forgiven too? We killed people, a whole underground of people... he just killed me, and I came back easily. Why does he not deserve it too?" They say, looking at me as they push their hair behind their ear.

"I- Because- He- I-"

"Exactly. There is no reason. I will leave this up to you, do what you want... everyone else may think what they wish, they might think you'll kill him. I- I believe you'll do what's right though."

Frisk's POV:

I get up and walk towards my friends, checking on them all to see if they're okay. Sans was left with 0.2 HP when he was struck down, I don't know how he didn't die straight away with only one HP but he didn't... he's alive and slowly healing thanks to Paps, we just need to take him to a hospital or one of the medical labs in the actual Lab.

"She won't let him go." Undyne says, I imagine her and Papyrus were quite confused when I was talking about genocide.

"She will." I say, I know she will.

Chara's POV:

I stand there, wiping my tears away as he looks up at me... shaking, terrified that he won't be coming back this time.

"You hurt them. You hurt them really bad. My skeleton friend over there might die because of you." I say, looking down at the ground as I shove my hands in my pockets.

"I- I'm sorry. Just... kill me quick, big sis." Caleb says quietly, his eyes closing as tears escape his eyes.

"You don't deserve to be here. You don't deserve to be alive."

"I know."

Frisk's POV:

I look forward, smiling as Chara pulls her brother in for a hug. His face is shocked for a moment, then he closes his eyes and hugs her back, crying heavily.

"Told you." I say.

A/N:- Hm,  what an interesting chapter. I wonder how the story will end, I guess you'll just have to wait for the next chapter.

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