Fountain of Love

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I sit on the fountain outside of the school reading 'Twilight' for the millionth time. I know, it's cliche but I honestly love the books.

"HOOROOOO!!!" A jock-y voice yells and I feeling the cold water splash against my back. Instinctively, I throw my book up and yell.


"Ohhh nooo. I knocked a hot chick into the fountain!! Garroth, Laurence, come check it!!" The jock yells

My insides flutter. This is humiliating!

I look up and see Laurence offering his hand to me and Garroth holding my book.

"Bro!! That's not cool!!" Garroth scolds him.

The jock chuckles, "Sorry, babe."

I fume. "I'm not your 'babe', you pervert!!"

Laurence snickers and I hop out of the fountain.

"Jeez, chick, no need to get your panties in a wad." He rolls his eyes.

"DON'T YOU-" I lunge for him but Laurence grabs arm.

"Woah, woah. Calm down... C'mon, let's go to the office and get you some clothes or something." He sighs.

I cross my arms and grudgingly follow him. He laughs at my childishness. We arrive at the office. The receptionist looks me up and down.

"Follow me, honey." She says sweetly. I nod and do as I'm told.

She hands me a spare uniform and a hairbrush and directs me into bathroom. I change and braid my hair back. As I walk out of the office, Laurence is there waiting for me with my backpack and book.

"Thanks..." I mutter, still peeved from this morning's incident.

He laughs, "No problem. I'll talk to Jackson and tell him what he did was way out line."

"Is Jackson that jerk?" I ask.

He nods, "He needs to learn to respect women."

"Not just women, people in general- really." I laugh.

"True. Anyway, got any lunch plans?" He asks.

"I dunno. I normally sit with Ein." I say.

He frowns, "Are you two a thing?"

I shake my head. "Nah."

"Mmph. Why do you two hang out so much?" He questions nonchalantly.

"We're just good friends." I say, raising my eyebrows. "Why does it matter?"

"Nothing, nothing." He puts his hands up and backs down. "Just curious."

"Alright... Well I better get to class. Thanks for the help." I smile and wave.

"Yeah... anytime." He sighs dejectedly.

I walk to class and take my seat next to Ein. "Hey!"

"Hey, Y/N. I saw you in the fountain this morning. How's the water today?" He laughs.

I groan, "Shut up!"

"I was just kidding." He chuckles. "All jokes aside, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I sigh.

"Thats good. I wouldn't want my favorite person to be in distress." He smiles and I laugh.

The teacher lectures us on how to find x in a complex algebraic equation. Finally, the bell rings.

"Hey, meet me at the fountain during lunch. Mkay?" He asks.

I nod, "Yessir."

He laughs and walks to his next class and so do I.

~Time skip to lunch~

I run to the fountain, desperate not to be late for my meeting with Ein. I see him pacing in front of the place we're supposed to meet.

"I'M HERE!!" I pant; gasping for air.

"Great!" He perks up. "I'm gunna cut to the chase.."

"Alright, go ahead." I sit on the fountain, waiting for his news.

He gazes into my eyes, "Y/N, I like you.. and not just as a friend. Will you... be my girlfriend?"

"WHA-"I fall backwards into the fountain. "GAH!! AGAIN?!"

"I-I'm so sorry!!" He helps me put of the fountain, "But uh... what do ya say?"

"I say... I'll say yes once I get another uniform." I groan.

He chuckles, "Let's hurry up and get you that uniform then."


Hey! I'm so sorry for not posting for a while- but here is a nice chapter... so yeah! Sorry?

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