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What other fandoms do you want me to create stuff about? I've been thinking... maybe Mystic Messenger...leave your thoughts!

After day one of detention, I suggest to Laurence that we call Garroth and ask him if he wants to grab dinner with us. I really want to be best friends with Garroth and I don't want to exclude him. I don't want him to feel hurt anymore.

"That sounds great, Y/N. Should you call him, or me?" He asks, with a smile on his face.

I grin. "I will. Can you go get my backpack out of my locker?"

"Sure." He nods.

I walk right outside the school and dial Garroth's number. He immediately picks up the phone, a bit breathless. "Hello, Y/N!"

"Hi, Garroth!" I smile at his cheery tone. "Did I interrupt you or something? You seem startled by the call."

I can hear the awkwardness in his voice. He hesitate for a minute, catching his breath. I speak again, "Hello? Garroth? Are you on a run or something?"

He stammers, "No! No, no, no, no! I was just... mas-" He coughs and mutters, "Why did I start to tell her that..?"

Garroth was being weird, and he sounded oddly embarrassed.

"Um, I can call back another time.. if you'd like..?" I suggest.

"N-No! It's okay. Um, do you need something? Why'd you call?" He asks.

"Oh, Laurence and I were just wondering if you wanted to come get a bite to eat with us? I suggested it because I thought it would be fun.." I say.

"Mm... I think I'm gunna have to pass this time.. I'm kind of.." He exhales. "...busy."

"Oh, alright. Good luck with.. whatever your doing." I say.

"Mhm." He hangs up.

I sigh, "That was weird..."

One point to the first person to guess what he was doing.

Laurence taps me on the back and hands my backpack to me. "What was weird?"

"Garroth was out of breath and talking to himself, and groaning and stuff." I sigh.

He tilts his "Was he running or something?"

I shake my head, "No. I asked him that and he said," I get on my Garroth voice..

Laurence's POV

Y/N shakes her head, "No. I asked him that and he said.." She moans, "No! No, no, no, no, no!" She moans again. "I was just mas-"

My face turns red as I cover her mouth, "OKAY!! OKAY!! STOP!!"

She cocks her eyebrow. "What?"

I pat her head and chuckle nervously, "I'm not gunna tell you... but if you think about it enough you'll figure it out."

"Okay..." She sighs and moves my hand. "Anyways, Garroth said he can't come. But... wanna go eat, just you and I?"

I smile, "Of course. Wanna hop in my car?"

"Sure." She smiles.

We drive to the nearest food place, which is McDonalds, and sit inside at a booth. We order food and such and start talking.


"-and then he said that I was the one who could make his life complete. I never even thought about that!" Laurence said.

"Wow!" I gasp. "It's not only the girls who chase after you."

"I know right! I'm like, totally okay with stuff, but personally, I have my eye on someone different." He chuckles.

"Yeah.. about that.." I sigh. "Remember that one day, when I was telling you what happened with Garroth, and you said that his best friend liked me."

He nods and smirks a bit, "Mhm.."

"Well, I really like you." I say, surprisingly, with total confidence.

He nods again. "Mhm..."

I groan, "What I'm trying to say is.."

I grab his face. "I wanna date you. I want to take this to the next level. I want a relationship with you. Boyfriend and girlfriend. I wanna make this official."

He smiles and grabs my hands off of his face and holds them. "I wanna make this official, too. Wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Yes! Thank IRENE, I was afraid that would never happen." I laugh.

He kisses my hand. "Well, it did."

More Than Friends||Laurence X Reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now