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The light peers through Laurence's white curtains. The sun is barely over the horizon, yet the orange light spills over the land in plentiful heaps. I sit up and stretch, yawning quietly. Laurence's eyes flutter open and he pulls my waist towards him.

"Lay down, beautiful..." He says in a groggy voice, closing his eyes.

I ruffle his hair, "You alarm went off five minutes ago."

"Eff school, I wanna sleep.." He groans.

"Well, I'm getting up." I laugh. He immediately sits up too.

"I'm awake!!" He says.

I chuckle. "Could you get me my uniform?"

He nods and stretches. "Wanna come with me? I need to take Edward outside."

I smile and stand up. "Okay!"

He grabs my hand and drags me downstairs. His shirt falls off of his shoulder because it's obviously oversized. His hair is like, the textbook definition of bedhead. The house is silent. 

He gets Edward out of his cage and he runs in circles. I laugh at the dog. Laurence grabs his leash and attaches it to his collar and walks him outside. I follow suit behind him. Once thats finished, we all walk back in. He lets Edward off of the leash and gives him some food.

Then, he grabs some cereal out of the pantry. "Is this okay? We don't really have a lot of food... like, ever. Hence the takeout last night."

"It's fine." I smile.

He gets down two bowls and puts the cereal in each bowl, then the milk (THATS HOW YOU DO IT, FIGHT MEEEEEE). We eat in silence, and then once we each finish, he puts the bowls in the dishwasher.

"I'll go get your uniform. You can change in my room, Cadenza is probably hogging the bathroom, as always." He rolls his eyes and chuckles.

I laugh, too, and he runs into the laundry room really quick and returns with each of our uniforms. He hands me mine and winks, "Maybe I can even change at the same time as you."

I snort. "You won't be looking, right?"

"Not unless you want me to." He laughs.

"I don't. Not yet." I laugh, too.

I'm like, completely comfortable around him now. I don't find myself blushing near as much around him, and I just, laugh. A lot.  We both walk into his room. I stand in the corner as he ogles me.

I shake my head, "Turn around."

He nods and turns around into his corner to change... and we, uh, both change...? Neither of look, at least not that I know of. We both respect each other that much.

We both run downstairs with out bags. We pet Edward and put him in his cage with a small treat, then walk out the door. Laurence drives us both to school. This morning was pretty uneventful.

When we walk into the hallway, I prepare myself for the whispers. But there are none.. everyone is just, normal. Laurence is practically beaming as we walk hand in hand. Then, my blond haired friend runs up to me and high fives me.

"I heard that you yelled at Ivy! And I was like, 'YES, MA'AM, THATS MY BEST FRIEND!!' and I told everyone to 'calm their tits' about you two, and I think it worked." Garroth exclaims.

Hearing Garroth...


'Calm Your Tits'...

would've made my day.

I laugh to the point where there's tears in my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. "You're the best!"

Garroth laughs and hugs me, too. "No, you are. Not everyone can stand up to Ivy like that. People are saying that you almost hit her."

"I did." I giggle.

"YOU SHOULD'VE JACKED HER UP!!" He shouts in a joking way, still hugging me.

I let go of Garroth and Laurence wraps his arms around me from behind. "As her boyfriend and self-proclaimed protector, I disagree. I was the one who stopped her from pounding Ivy to the floor."

Garroth snorts. "Ah, darn."

"Well, I have class." I smile as the bell rings. I hug Garroth quickly and then turn to Laurence. I wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me gently. I try to carefully pull away to go to class, but he won't let me.

Garroth coughs. "Laurence, control the beast."

(Mystic Messenger reference? YES.)

"Roar." Laurence jokes sarcastically as he lets me go. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I smile as I skip of to class."

I sit in the classroom, and Kai pokes my shoulder. I turn to him. "Hm?"

"You look really pretty today." He grins, running his fingers through my ponytail.

I jerk my head away quickly. "Um, thanks."

"Sorry, did that make you uncomfortable? I just couldn't resist touching it. It looked so soft." He says, but I can hear the lack of sincerity in his tone.

"Um... alright. It's whatever." I shrug, turning to the front of the classroom.

Kai taps my shoulder again. I exhale deeply and turn around. "What?" I say in a hostile, impatient tone.

I have no clue what's wrong with him today. He's just being creepy and pushing my buttons.

"I was just wondering when and where you got your ears... and like, who, why? All that jazz." He says, touching my ears that I normally hide. I didn't even notice they were out.

I slap his hand away and tuck my ears away. "You can't just... touch someone's ears!!"

"Sorry! I was just curious.."

This is a sensitive topic. I don't like talking about the whole Ein thing. It's just not something I like to think back to. I see Ein in class, and I can barely handle just that.

I grunt. "Well, if you must know... somebody, and no, I'm saying who because I have human decency, bit me and now, I have ears. It happened about a couple months ago, maybe three?"

"Interesting." He nods

The bell rings and I speed walk out of class.

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