Chapter 2: Your Late...

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Anthony's POV:

     We were in the middle of a dinner rush, when I spotted a tired girl walk in. Normally I woulda let it slide yah know. But this girl was alone, and was not feeling a'ight. She looked well kinda like shit. As soon as her order was ready I practically sprinted over to deliver it, slowing down as I near her table. Her small frame occupied about a third of the booth, and it was only a two person table! Maybe her friend is in the bathroom? Now about five steps away I noticed her arms; they looked like they were run over by a tractor to say the least. I also caught a glimpse of what looked like hand prints but she quickly covered them. Who did this to her?

   "Your order miss." I said trying to ease her tension. She gave me a blank stare like a deer in the headlights. I peered into her blue eyes to see tired bags, and underneath lied fear. She tuned back in and thanked me for the food. I turned to leave, but managed to slip in "name's Anthony." She looked like she could use a friend.

"Jade" She replied.

     I finished my shift while keeping an eye on her, and brought the bill to the table. "5 dollars is your total" She fingered around in her worn, torn pockets, and sheepishly put her head down. Then it hit me, she couldn't pay. I touched her shoulder as an act of sympathy, but she winced. "Hey" I said, "on the house, don't worry." 

     Looking relieved she replied "thank you so much." Nodding gratefully. We looked at each other for a moment, awkward silence slowly drifting in, before her phone dinged. She picked up the small device and a look of terror struck her face. Unsure of what to  do I sat down next to her, and wrapped my arm around her shoulder to comfort her. I immediately regreted my decision as she jerked away, panic filling her eyes. I felt stupid, too soon we were not friends. I was about to leave but she grabbed my arm motioning for me to sit down. Her wet eyes looked more hopeful. I sat back down and put my arm back.

Jade's POV:

     My phone lit up, I looked at it and my face fell. I look at the messages:

Jake: You can run but you can't hide you little scumbag. You remember you belong to me...

     I broke down in tears I knew what's coming; this happened every week. I felt an arm wrap around me bringing back traumatic memories, and instinctively jumped away. I looked up to see the arm belonged to Anthony and felt bad for rejecting his help. His embrace wasn't hard and cold like I was used too. Instead it was warm and comforting. I felt safe.

Your Messages:

Jake: Better be home in 3 minutes or you're gonna get it.

     I knew either way I was going to "get it" but this way it would be less if I am on time. I got up and started to rush out but a hand stopped me. Anthony grabbed my arm, "wait" he said. Then scribbled down something on a piece of paper and shoved it in my pocket. With that I sprinted out of the diner, faster than I had ever run before. I reached the front door of a peaceful looking house -- what a fallacious set up -- and opened it to the menacing face of my "brother" Jake. 

"Your late."

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