Chapter 3: After the Diner

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Warning: Some physical violence/ abuse. It's very mild but I will put this *** when it starts and *** when it ends. Just letting anyone know. Signing off.

"Your late"  he said. I looked at him, a bottle in his hand, his eyes wild like an animal, and a malicious smile on his face.

"S-ss-sorry" I choke out.

"Yeah, well you will be" 


     I looked up to see a beer bottle flying straight at me. In a flash, I felt light headed, my forehead stung badly. I could sense unconsciousness coming. Please, I prayed, Please end this. But I stayed awake and watched as Jake advanced toward me, bringing his knee repeatedly to my stomach. I doubled over, feeling a bruise already forming, replacing the ones beneath. The next thing I felt is his foot at my head, I groaned.

"Shut up. Weakling...You...Little......Brat..." he leered between strikes. 

     After a few more blows and another bottle, he gets bored, decides he's done and slowly goes upstairs. As always he left me conscious. Now in a crying, bloody heap on the floor, I forced myself upstairs knowing that if the Johnson's found me I would suffer twice as much of what Jake did. I shuddered at the thought of the last time I was tormented by them, just last Monday in fact. Today was Tuesday. 

     I found my "bedroom", or at least that is what they called it. Really it was just a little corner in the closet, fenced off with boxes. I slumped down against the "mattress" reflecting on my first day with the Johnson's. I was given a nice room with an actual bed. They gave me plenty of food and acted like real parents. As soon as they were in the clear though, they sold everything I was given for gambling money, and gave the extra room to Jake who now has two bedrooms. I have since stopped feeling pity for myself. I must've done something to deserve fifteen abusive houses. 

     I felt a fire in my head and felt blood trickle down my stomach and forehead. I sighed, and took my last ibuprofen to ease the pain. I decided to take 3 NyQuill's as well, to ease my nerves. I lied down on the "mattress" which was just a burlap sack stuffed with my clothes and probably dead spiders, and try to push away the flashbacks. I found my mind wandering to the stranger at the diner, Anthony. His smile, his embrace, and the paper. I scoured my pockets, hoping it didn't fall through a hole. Miraculously it was still there. Thank god it didn't fall out. It is a phone number, his phone number, I think I just made a friend. More than anything in this life, I needed a friend, someone I could trust. Should I text him? Nah, maybe he's asleep? Well, it couldn't hurt to try.

Your Messages:

Jade: Hi, it's Jade from the diner? (sent 12:37 AM)                                                        

Read by Anthony(12:38)

Anthony: Hey glad u texted. R u safe?

Jade: Yup, a-ok

Anthony: You can tell me if anything is bothering u

Jade: I'm fine don't worry

Anthony: A'ight if u say so

Anthony: Maybe we should get to know each other. Tell me a little bout urself?

Jade: Okay! I am a Junior at Jefferson High (FAKE HIGHSCHOOL) and I am almost 17 years old.

Anthony: Wow, cool. My turn. I am around ur age ish. (I know, not his real age, but for this story it's better that way) I am a Broadway actor but help out a my family's restaurant. 

Jade: Wow, I love to sing too!

Anthony: I bet ur great! By the way what's ur last name, its for my contact info

Jade: Unimportant

Anthony: okay, can u send me a pic, for the contact photo.

Jade: Yeah Sure, one sec

     What should I send. I can't send him one of me now. I scroll through my photos and find the one with the least amount of visible marks.

Instagram: @anthony_ramos_nyc is following you.

Jade: sent image

Anthony: Thanks!

Anthony: OH MY GOSH!!!!! I am sending help right away. Stay put!

    Shit, I realized the photo was taken in the hallway. On the floor was my shaving razor, but the blades were tinted red, and some red liquid oozed down the handle. There were also some pills in the back, and my arm was blurry but you could see straight lines across my wrists and neck. Next to it was an empty, dripping, green bottle. Label: Heineken. Stupid mistake, I criticized myself. I needed to make sure he doesn't get the wrong impression. 

Jade: That stuff isn't mine. I am FINE. Do not worr...

  I felt the NyQuill kick in and let the restless sleep take over me.


My plan for this book is shortish chapters, but a lot of them, so bare with me. It's better to make short interesting chapters than long boring ones. So yeah, please leave comments. love you guys :)

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