Chapter 7: Hope?

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Jade's POV

It's now Monday, school starts in two days. Most kids dreaded going to school but I looked forward to it every summer; it gave me a break from the beatings. Unfortunately that meant that I had to do my makeup now, it's one of the Warden's Rules: If you wear enough makeup, no one will see the marks and ask questions. 

Some kids still dreamed of a savior coming to rescue them. They dream of situations where someone like Moses will come to claim the Promised Land. I felt sorry for them, no one every came, until today. "Tidy Up! Tidy up! We have a visitor. " the Warden announced. Great another person who won't foster us. "New York wants to boost the foster rate, and give everyone an equal chance, so we will try something new. Instead of meeting the person face to face, you will talk through an earpiece. This way it's safer, and fairer I guess. Oh and your voices will be modulated." She finished in a monotone voice. 

Regena was the first one to enter, "I think I just ruined your chance. She loved me!" she sneered. Like I even care. It's my turn, I walked in and put on the earpiece.

"Hello" I said.

"Name." A gruff voice answered. Didn't Regena say she was a girl. Oh well, they must change it for every person.


"That's stupid, who names themselves after a stone"

"Not my problem." I said fuming. This person was an idiot

"Whatever. What do you do for fun?"

"I sing and skateboard."


 "How would you describe yourself?"

"Young, scrappy and hungry." I internally scolded myself for the words, this person probably thought I was a weirdo. 

"That's enough" the voice said, and with that I left.

We find out that the woman didn't want any of us. We were all too "weird, and inadequate" whatever that meant. The news didn't hit me hard, but Regena looked like she's just suffered a heartbreak. Part of me felt sorry for her but I reminded  myself that this is karma. I wished I had someone to talk to, I wished I still had my phone so I could talk to Anthony.

The next day

I woke up excited, tomorrow I get 7 free hours from the orphanage. I know that deep down I still hope that I can see Anthony, or make  a friend; of course I'll never, ever deserve friends though. The day flew by quickly, and before I knew it, it's Wednesday. 3 weeks I have been at the orphanage... 

(Don't worry, I didn't forget about the meeting between Lin and Ant)

Anthony's POV


My alarm went off at 6:00am, and I immediately jolted awake. Today I am finally going to meet Lin. I can't stand it any longer, I need to know if Jade is okay. I jumped into action and five minutes later I was out the door, barreling down 1st Avenue. I met Lin at the coffee shop, man this guy drinks a lot of coffee. 

I spotted Lin in the corner dressed in a familiar grey sweater. He looked sort of glum, and I immediately became worried. He looked up and a smile brushed over his face. He motioned me over and I sat down. 

"How was your morning?" he started off. 

"Good, you?" I replied.

"Been better, Sebby is keeping me up all night."

"Ouch, that's rough. So about Jade, is she alright?"

"Well, this isn't easy to say." his tone shifted, "Her house burned down, and now she is in the orphanage."

"WHAT!!!" I screeched.

"Sorry, let me take it back a few steps. I investigated and found out that she has been in foster care since the age of seven. Her parents are still alive as far as we know, except her dad is in jail, and her mom hasn't been seen for the past 4 years. I'm sorry Anthony."

I internally crumbled, I felt so bad for her. She was too nice for this to happen. Yet this explained a lot. I motioned for him to continue.

"She has been in and out of different foster homes, but her last one, the Johnson's were abusive. You may have noticed the marks on her arms. Her house burned down just a while ago, and they discovered her situation. She is now in an orphanage, unfortunately they won't disclose which one, for security purposes."

I slowly processed what he said, and all I wanted to do was find Jade and let her know that we were here for her. 

"However, all hope is not lost, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve, Don't worry Anthony, I will do my best to keep her safe. I met her and she seems like a really nice person. Now go on, I will meet you at the theater."

 I followed Lin's instructions, a little more cheerfully, knowing that he was dedicated to helping Jade. For I know that Lin could accomplish anything he put his mind to. 

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