Chapter 8: School

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(A/N sorry this basically is just her first day of school. Ran out of inspiration)

Jade's POV:

Today school started. A mixture of excitement and fear buzzed inside me. I usually am not nervous for school, but this time was different. Previously, I would never stay at a school for longer than a few months, maybe half a year. Then I would move on to another foster home. But this time my fate was set in stone. I would be a long-term student at Newt High, I would be living at the orphanage until I was an adult. 

I arrived at Newt High at 8:10. I was forced to walk since the bus was too expensive. Newt was in the shady part of New York. It bordered a graveyard, and the other side connected to a long windy road. There was no nearby stores for 4 miles. Graffiti engulfed a worn sign that read " ew Hih Scool." The other letters had been stolen for who knows what? Great. Seems Safe. I headed in through the large doors of the school. I was immediately greeted by a pungent odor. It was a concoction of multiple scents. Something sweet, and then something that smelled faintly of skunk but not quite. Drugs. Of course, this school was bound to have those kids. I held my breath and made a beeline towards the Office. I received my schedule from the odd looking lady and peered down. "Jade Starks" it read, my true last name.  I would've rather had "Johnson"







SocialSpeaking............................Counselor's Office

Most people think that I would hate math, and science. They are my favorite subjects. Math had become an essential to my survival. I had to calculate the probability of me being able to make it through the day without a painkiller, or how much I could spend on Mr.Johnson's cigars without him knowing I used a little bit for first aid kits.

The bell rang signaling for me to go to physics. I entered to a class of 50 kids. Half were on their phones, and the rest were pretty much doing nothing. What a long year this would be. I took a seat in the front of the class (there were no other open seats ok). 

"Ok students. Please take out your notebook and write a letter about yourself. This will be a great introduction for all of us. Oh and I will be your teacher Mr. Gonzalez" the teacher who is probably in his 60's said.

Great, an about me letter. "I am an orphan. My parents left when I was young and I have been through so many abusive households I've lost count. My last foster father beat me everyday, and made me go get him drugs. I never eat, and I currently stay at the orphanage." That would probably be a sure-fire way to earn pity. That's the last thing I want. I start drafting.

I am Jade. Just Jade. No last name. I love to sing, it is my outlet for stress. No matter where I am, my voice is always available to me. I grew to love singing because it was the only way I could express myself. Sometimes paper wasn't available. I also like to skate. But I have never owned a actual skateboard. The skateboards I ride are made by me. I take old crates, or planks of wood, and find some round objects that could function like wheels. Then I try to find a metal hing or something of that sort to fasten the trucks. I have never been like others, I love to create. I would rather make something than buy it. Growing up I relied on my idols to guide me. I have never really had a personal role model, so my idols were the ones I looked up to. I want to create masterpieces like Lin-Manuel Miranda. That is my dream, to bring happiness and tell a story. He is elegant, eloquent, poised, kind, the list could go on and on. I dream of a life where that could be possible. Anyway, I love science and math, because it is almost the same in every school . I hope this will be a great year!

I crumpled up the draft and tossed it away. That was way too deep and sappy for the first day. I guess I would just have to write a basic, fake letter. The bell rang and I left the classroom. Little did I know, someone picked up the crumpled paper.

The rest of the day went by like a blur. I ate the mystery meat alone on the floor, and managed to avoid Regena. After school, I thought I would stop by the park since I had a few scarce minutes. The cool fresh air of the park relaxed me and I began to drift off. I imagines that I was a bird, soaring high above everything. Above all of my problems, enemies, worries. I was finally free. The billions of knots in my neck softened, as I began to drift off. I was about to doze off when I gentle hand shook my shoulder. A friendly looking man gazed down. 

"You're the girl who was playing with Tobi right?" he said. A warm smile illuminated his face. He had long black hair that was tied up in a bun. It was an interesting look, one that I've never seen before. Yet his voice sounded so familiar. Almost as if I had heard it for so long before. 

"Ummm yeah" I quickly respond, realizing I had been daydreaming for so long. 

"I'm guessing you come here often then?" his voice chided. He seemed so familiar. The kindness, I knew instantly I could definitely trust him.

"When I can." I said.

"I am Lin by the way. And you are?"

"Jade" Lin must be a common name.

"You look famished Jade, would you like to get something to eat?"

"Great, I know a good spot nearby, it is on 46th street. Let's go!" He said jubilantly. He was such a man-child.

As I followed my new friend I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to find such nice people in my sea of darkness. Maybe, just maybe, I was happy for once in my life.

"Over here!" Lin called. His voice was becoming so familiar. I knew I heard it somewhere, it was on the tip of my tongue. 

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