Chapter 12

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Draco felt his body grow stiff, his blood running cold as he stood frozen, staring blankly, unable to take his eyes off of the red turban. He felt much like a decaying corpse, laying six feet under without a breath of life in sight.  Even though he couldn't see The lord, his presence to Draco was undeniable. He knew that under the thin fabric, those demonic red eyes were locked on his.

The air around Hermione drew Thin, making each breath more challenging than the last. She had almost completely forgotten the creepiness of their first encounter with Voldemort. In first year he had been so week that he required another life force to fuse to in order to cling to life, and that's where professor Quirinus Quirrell came to play. Hermione remembered studying the now deceased, former

As a boy, Quirinus was gifted but also delicate, teased for his timidity and nerves during his school life. Feeling inadequate and wishing to prove himself, he developed an  interest in the Dark Arts. The feelings of insignificance and worthlessness that this bullying fostered embittered the boy, forging a latent desire to make the world sit up and notice him.

He eventually obtained a high-graded O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. in Muggle Studies and Defence Against the Dark Arts, not only did he go on to teach both but was also noted to have had a gift for the theory of Defensive Magic.

After teaching Muggle Studies for some time, he took a year-long sabbatical in order to "gain first-hand experience", though in reality he had taken a 'Grand Tour' around the world in order to hopefully find whatever remained of lord Voldemort after his first defeat, partly out of curiosity, partly out of that unacknowledged desire for importance from his childhood. At the very least, Quirrell fantasised that he could be the man who tracked Voldemort down, but at best, might learn skills from Voldemort that would ensure he was never laughed at again. His journey proved successful as he did indeed find Voldemort, though he was no match for the Dark Lord (even in such a weakened state) and when he realised that Quirinus had a position at Hogwarts, Voldemort manipulated Quirrell to serve him.

He then adopted a turban for everyday use after his 'sabbatical,'  claiming to have received it from an African prince as compensation for disposing of a zombie, when in reality its purpose was purely to hide Lord Voldemort's face which now began to grow deformed on the back of head.

Shivers ran up Hermione's spine as she forced herself to stop having such intellectual thoughts about a person who was obviously no longer a deceased piece of History, but a very dangerous Wizard, aligned with Hogwarts greatest enemy who was now currently staring her down.

It was only then that the redhead noticed that her hand, which had been previously placed on Draco's Arm to Hide his mark, was now clutching his arm in shock instead.
Wanting to get out of this nightmare,
She gripped onto the Frozen Blonde Wizard even tighter, and pulled him down the hall, and away from Quirinus Quirrell.

"He knows," Draco mumbled as Hermione forcefully pulled on him harder.

"He.. He knows," He rambled again, barely able to hear his own words over the rapid pounding of his heart, that echoed throughout his entire body.

"We don't know that," Hermione found herself reassuring him, as if he were a small child hiding under the covers from imaginary Monsters. His fears however were not conjured up by any sort of imagination. They were terrifyingly real. "He may have saw through our disguises, but let's not assume that he knows everything."

"And why the bloody not?" He found himself shouting as she dragged him along, a few students stopping in their tracks at his sudden abruptness.

"Because If he knows who we are," She spoke dramatically, though not intentionally "We are knackered."


They both sat side by side in the great hall, as it was now lunch. The pair presumed Quirrell would have a hard time confronting them if they surrounded themselves with students.

They had arrived early, and sat in silence as they awaited the rest of Hogwarts to join. Even though the Feast Hall was empty, The tables were already lit by thousands of candles that floated in midair over the four long tables that were laid out with glittering golden plates and goblets.

"Do you suppose we changed anything?" Draco asked as he tapped his shiny Silver Spoon against the hardwood table in boredom, the small motion echoing throughout the hall.

"Maybe," Hermione answered as she checked her wrist watch. Any second now.

"There are thousands of different theories on time travel," She began, but stopped herself mid thought.  She realized that she were about to go on yet another intellectual ramble, much of which annoyed her Friends to no end.

She glanced over to notice that unlike them, Draco didn't seem the least bit Bored, or bothered. Instead he looked genuinely intrigued, setting down his spoon and shifting in his seat to face her.

"For all we know our future selves could have already done this, and the impact they had had already taken place in our past, which would change their future, not ours." Draco watched her speak, noticing that her brown eyes would light up in excitement with each new word that left her pink glossed lips.

As she spoke she used her fingers to trace imaginary lines on the table to make it easier for him to understand, though he didn't need the extra guidance. Contrary to popular opinion, Draco was intelligent on most subjects regarding class work. His personal life is where he lacked

"Basically what you're saying Granger, is the outcome of this is relatively Infamous." Draco spoke after she finished.

Hermione's shoulders sunk in a very  unladylike manner as she concluded that he was right. She could go over every scenario imaginable, but in the end there could be so many more she hadn't even dreamt of. "Basically," She agreed.

Suddenly all Professors from first year flooded in, making their way to the top of the hall, to the Hogwarts teachers table, where all types of Professors would sit. 

Dumbledore waved at the pair with a smile as he was the last to take a seat.

Hermione noted that each professor began looking at them rather oddly from across the Room.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want to sit with us?" Professor McGonagall spoke, her voice somehow appearing over their table, as if she were sitting right next to them. A judgemental tone was heard in her voice as she found it beneath persons of such ranking to sit with students, instead of among them.

"Wouldn't you rather sit in civilization?" She joked when Dumbledore reminded her that the pair had the power of the Ministry behind them, and being snooty would serve no purpose.

Hermione's eyes darted to Draco as she wondered What to say, or if McGonigle could even hear her without performing a similar charm in return.

"We, ah, no." Draco mumbled. Hermione rolled her eyes. Why couldn't Draco just keep quite?
She thought as she concluded that the professor could in fact hear them due to her confused expression. "We wish to observe the students behaviors personally." Draco spoke again, a new found confidence in his speach, as he narrowed his eyes slightly at Hermione who was rather impressed with his sudden, sensible response.

"Oh, of course. How silly of me," McGonigle apologized, feeling guilty on interfering with the Ministry's  protocols.

The sound of Footsteps and giggles filled the air as students flooded in like a horde of zombies.

Hermione's eyes widened as she turned her head down to her current seat.

She mentally cursed herself as she noticed that in her hurry to escape Quirinus, She had instinctively taken her normal seat at the Gryffindor table.

The past Harry, Ron, and herself headed straight for her as they made their way into the hall.


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