Chapter 16

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Hermione felt the odd sensation of falling through time as she braced for impact. Finally! She thought She was going home! And At perfect timing toShe wasn't sure how much more of Malfoy's nonsense she could take.
With a swift tud they landed, but much to Hermione's disappointment, it wasn't where she had expected.

Draco suddenly found himself seated  in the back of a small car, with a large metal birdcage between him and Hermione. The small, white owl inside the black thin framed cage looked him dead in the eye as soon as he landed in his seat, as if the Mystikal animal had been expecting him. Draco looked around in panic. He had never seen a real car, let alone sat within the tight quarters of one. His eyes widened as he noticed that the vehicle was indeed flying and that they were currently soaring through the air at rapid speeds.

Hermione recognized the driver immediately, who appeared rather small in his seat. His mop of red ginger hair unmistakable. Not again! She felt like cursing, knowing that she was still far from home, and her arch enemy seemed to travel with her.

This particular moment in past wasn't one She remembered, but it were one she heard Rons speak of many times as it were one his most proudest Tails. "Saving the great Harry potter" She recalled him quoting the stories to others many times.

Harry later told that before his second year, During a dinner party hosted by his uncle and aunt, he was visited by Dobby, who warned him not to return to Hogwarts. After He politely disregard the warning, Dobby wreaked havoc in the kitchen, infuriating the Dursleys, causing them to imprison him in his room.

The Dursleys' punishment lasts for three days, until Ron, Fred, and George Weasley, worried about not hearing from Harry all summer, borrow their father's flying Ford Anglia and came to the rescue. They were able to break the metal bars off Harry's window and help him pick the lock to his door so that he could get his Nimbus 2000 and trunk. The Dursleys discover his escape attempt, but by the time they could intervene, Fred, George, Ron and Harry had got everything of Harry's and had flown away.

Harry had spent the rest of the summer with the Weasleys, and eventually tagged along On the way to the Hogwarts Express.  When Harry and Ron tried to go through the barrier to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters after everyone else went through, the barrier had been mysteriously sealed against them. Having missed the train, Ron suggested that they used his family car to chase down the train, and follow it to Hogwarts.

During this time Hermione had been on the Hogwarts Express, wondering just where her two male friends were. This train ride was one of the saddest ones she had ever experienced during her seven years, though she would never admit it to the boys of course.

"Now all we need to do is catch up with the train" Harry's young voice spoke, seemingly unaware of his Newfound backseat guests.

"We can't be far behind" Ron answered as he glided the vehicle at a steady pace directly above the tracks.

A choo choo could be heard, but from inside the car it was hard for either of them, or Draco to tell which direction it was coming from. Hermione however knew, as Ron had previously told her of this many times.

"Do you hear that?" Harry  questioned. Something was definitely not right.

"We must be getting close." Ron stated, oblivious.

"Hold on." Harry said as Ron looked at him in horrid realization.

They both slowly turned in Their seats

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They both slowly turned in Their seats.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" They screamed, along with malfoy who was currently looking out the back window to the large train directly behind. The young boys screaming for  a entirely different reason this time.

"How in Merlin," Harry started, staring at the two wizards he oddly recognized in the back seat before realizing the dire situation at hand. "Ron pull off the tracks tracks!"

Ron had a hard time processing that somehow two full grown adults were suddenly in the back of his car. How long had they been In There? Had they snuck in back at the train station? No! They couldn't have? Harry had placed his owl in the rather empty back seat before they took off.

"Ron!" Hermione screamed as the train kissed the back bumper, causing her and Draco to almost be tossed into the front seats.

Ron suddenly jerked the wheel. TO HARD! The car flipped over again and again in complete spins. Harry's door opining in the process.

"AHHH" He screamed again as he fell out of the vehicle but managed to grasp the door by one hand.

"Harry!" Ron and Hermione screamed simultaneously.

Draco looked down at the young, free dangling Harry Potter in shock. He had never heard this story.

"Hold on!" Ron yelled down as he did his best to study the car which now flew lopsided just above the train.

Harry had mentioned this before, but living it was something else entirely. Not being able to take Harry in such a deadly situation, Hermione jumped into action. She claimed into the middle front seat, her long arms reaching over to grab Harry's hand, which held the door. She took a breath before pulling the newly turned 12 year old back into the car, and into the passenger seat.

Harry quickly shut the door, breathing heavily as he caught his breath. "Miss Croft?" He asked.

He remembered her, or at least the disguise Dumbledore had given her.  She nodded her head. "Yes,"

Harry turned to face the back seat. "Mr Bass." He said knowingly to the slim blonde who nodded wide-eyed back at the boy.

"I don't mean to sound rude." Ron broke out, his hands nervously gliding over the steering wheel. "But what in Merlin are the two of you doing in my car!?"


New chapter! New time frame♡ Yes they have now jumped into their second year

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New chapter! New time frame♡
Yes they have now jumped into their second year. Please tell me your thoughts, I love reading all of your comments♡

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