Chapter Three

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Song of the Chapter: Doc Holliday - Volbeat

○ Peyton Baron ○

When we got to the gym, everyone went off to do their own workouts. I think I'm just gonna go on the treadmill. Can't go wrong there.

I walk over to the machine with Rebel. "Up." I tell him, hovering my hand above the treadmill and snapping my fingers. Rebel hops up on the platform as I turn up the speed a little. Rebel begins jogging at a good pace and I attach his leash to the handle bars of the treadmill.

I hop up on the one beside him and put in my earbuds, choosing Doc Holliday by Volbeat on my iPod. I turn up the speed and begin to jog.

As Rebel and I are jogging, I look around the gym. We were definitely getting looks. They weren't bad looks, of course. Who would look at a dog running on a treadmill in a bad way?

I look to my right to see Alex holding up his phone to us. I quickly take out my earbuds, hearing his phone play back the video he took which meant it was a Snapchat.

"Don't post that!" I tell him, hopping up on the sides of the treadmill to prevent me from falling. "What, why not?" He asks, giving me a confused look.

"Please just don't." I plead. There probably wasn't a chance Jaylee would see his Snapchat but I couldn't take the risk.

"Uh, alright. I'm still gonna save it and send it to the FaZe House group chat. That's just way too cool." He huffs, motioning to Rebel who was still running with a big smile on his furry face.

"Yeah, that's fine. I just don't really want to be in the public eye." I tell him, beginning to run and get my pace back.

"Why's that?" Alex asks, coming up beside me and standing in front of the machine. He leans against the front panel. "You a wanted criminal, or something?"

"Wanted, yes. Criminal, no." I reply. "I just have some people from my past I don't want finding me."

"Your parents?" I could tell he was hesitant to ask. "Y-Yes." I stutter. I stutter when I lie sometimes. It's as if my brain is second guessing itself when it's lying.

"That's understandable. I'll also let the guys know to not put you in any videos." I smile. "That's sweet. Thank you Alex."

"No problem. Enjoy your run." He smiles, walking away from the treadmill.

Definitely dodged a bullet on that one.

We spent about two hours at the gym. Rebel and I ran about 4 miles on the treadmill which is pretty good for someone who hasn't worked out in years.

The guys were smart enough to bring extra clothes so they could shower. Me? I may be an academic genius but even I was stupid enough to forget about showering.

Then again, I've never been to a gym so I didn't even know they had showers. Then again, again, it would be common sense for a gym, where you get all sweaty and gross, to have showers.

"You gonna shower?" Lucas asks, a short towel wrapped around his neck as his hair drips water.

"I didn't bring clothes or a towel. I didn't know there were showers in gyms." I say, feeling my face heat up.

"That's fine. You can just take one when we get home." He smiles lightly. "Also, Rebel is a badass."

"Yeah, I know." I smile, petting my Lab.

"Ready to go?" Alex asks, walking up with his bag in his hand. "Yeah, let's go." Lucas nods and we walk out the gym.

As we near the house, I notice a U-Haul in the driveway. "Oh, you guys are getting a new roommate?" I ask, looking at Alex and Lucas.

"Something like that." Alex smiles, parking beside it. We get out the car, heading inside. In the living room was a ton of boxes and a desk. A familiar desk. My desk.

"Um, what the fuck?" I question, slowly walking into the room.

"Welcome to the FaZe House!" Tommy says with a huge smile. "Why?" I raise a brow. I wasn't expecting this at all.

"You're free to stay as long as you like until you find a new place. No rush, though. You're welcome here." I smile and do something that shocks me: I hug him.

"Thank you, Tommy. That means a lot." He hugs me back, laughing a bit. "No problem, Purp." He liked calling me that because of my hair color.

"We'll just set up your stuff in the living room." Tommy tells me. "I'm just gonna leave most of my stuff in boxes. I mainly just want my books on my desk since I have my laptop with me in my bag." I say, setting my bag down.

"Alright. Alex, help me move her desk in the corner." Tommy says. Before Alex can step forward, I walk over to my L-shaped desk, grabbing it at the front and back, lifting it, and carrying it to the corner. I turn to Tommy, Alex, and Lucas who were staring at me.

"Don't be sexist. I went to Standford at 14 and majored in psychology. Do you know how big psychology textbooks are? Also, the DSM-5 is pretty fucking huge. I had to lug that shit around all day. Not to mention I also had textbooks for statistics, research, and biological psychology. Lifting a desk is nothing." I cross my arms, the boys staring at me in awe.

"Yes ma'am." Tommy says, saluting me. "Now, uh, if you don't mind, I need a shower." I say, wiping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Help yourself." Tommy replies, sitting on the couch. I grab some clothes and head upstairs to the bathroom. Rebel follows me as he always does and I open the door, finding Nordan in just a towel, shaving.

"Oh, whoops. Sorry, Nord!" I say, closing the door quickly. "It's alright! I'll be done in a minute." He yells from the other side.

"Awkward..." I whisper to Rebel who huffs. I nod. "Exactly." As if I knew what Rebel was saying. Probably something along the lines of, "My mom is an idiot." Yes, yes I am, Reb.

The bathroom door opens and out walks Nordan, still in a towel. "Sorry, about that." He says awkwardly. "It's fine. Like I said, I lived in the boys' dormitory. Nothing I haven't seen before." I walk into the bathroom, Rebel following, and I shut the door.

"But still awkward as hell." I mumble to myself, getting undressed and getting in the shower.


this chapter was a lil short but it was kind of a filler. idk if i'm gonna time skip a bit in the next one. i might not. all depends on what my brain lets me write.

also, the songs at the beginning of the chapters will more often than not be rock/metal/alternative. that's just the shit i listen to. i know the guys lean towards rap more than anything. i despise rap (unless it's grld, lucas, or k-rap). so ye.

feedback is appreciated. faze up and stay slothy \(._.)/

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