Chapter Eleven

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hey i can't think of a song for this chapter so, uh, enjoy this cute ass pic of my dog being cute and bleppin!!

○ Peyton Baron ○

"But what if he doesn't like me and he thinks I'm weird and annoying?" I ask Lucas, my anxiety setting in about Nick coming. We were on our way to the airport to pick him up. Tommy was driving, Lucas was in the passenger seat, and Rebel and I were in the back.

"I've told him a lot about you and he thinks you're really cool." I roll my eyes. "The difference is you hype me up. Nick could make his own opinions."

"Nick is a sweet guy, you're fine Pey." Tommy states, pulling into the parking lot of the airport. "I know in the back of my mind, I'm fine. But anxiety. You know?"

Lucas turns around in his seat, putting his hand on my leg. "You'll be fine. I promise. Nick gets along with all of the guys. He'll get along with you." I take a deep breath. "Okay, fine. Let's go." We all get out of the car, walking into the airport.

As soon as we walk in, an employee walks up to us. "I'm sorry, you can't have your dog free range like that." I look at Rebel, noticing he didn't even have his leash clipped to him. He won't go anywhere, though. He's trained to stay on my heels.

"He's a service dog, he's trained to stay at my side." I tell her. The employee frowns. "I'm gonna need to see his registration papers, then." I furrow my brows, looking at Rebel and then back at her. "The only identification you need from him is this vest." I say, pointing to the bright red vest that covered his torso. It had, in big letters, "WORKING SERVICE DOG. DO NOT PET."

"Either show me his papers, or you leave my airport." Looks like I can't pull the whole, "I wanna speak to your manager" thing because I guess she is the manager.

"Ma'am, you don't understand. Rebel doesn't have papers, he-"

"Then he must not be a real service dog." She retorts, cutting me off. I'm starting to lose my patience and Lucas can tell because I feel him grab the back of my shirt.

"You are not allowed to ask me for his papers." I tell her simply, trying to keep calm. "Sweetie, I know the law." She says with a ton of sass. Okay, fine, my turn.

"Bitch, I do too! I lived in a psychiatric hospital for two years which is why I have him in the first place! Under federal ADA laws, you ask me two questions. One: Is that a service dog? Two: What service does he provide you? Those are the only two questions! I probably know more than you do about service animal laws because I studied it as a part of my bachelor's degree in psychology! Rebel is a highly trained service dog. He provides comfort and safety for me. He keeps me from hitting the ground when I have a fainting spell and busting my head open. He alarms me when my anxiety is about to get bad and I don't know it yet. He. Is. A service dog." I snap.

"If you can't cooperate, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." She says, glaring. "Fine! Shit! Remind me to never use your fucking airport, ever." I turn around with Rebel and storm right out the door. Three people follow me and I turn around, noticing it's Tommy, Lucas, and Nick.

"That bitch ruined my arrival." Nick frowns. "I'm sorry. I honestly wasn't expecting that. I'm Peyton." I smile, holding out my hand. "Ah, please. I know who you are! Come here!" He pulls me into a hug and I smile, hugging him back. He lets go and greets Lucas and Tommy.

"I'm so giving a bad review to this damn place." I grumble, crossing my arms. "You're so cute." Lucas laughs, helping Nick carry his bags. "Yeah, maybe. But I'm ready to punch a guy right now."

As if they all had the same brain, they all scream, "Not it!" at the same exact time. I roll my eyes, laughing a bit. "You're all dorks." I say, getting into the car. This time, Lucas sits with me in the back and Nick sits up front.

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