Chapter Sixteen

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Song of the Chapter: Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds

○ Peyton Baron ○

A few months have passed since the trip to NYC. Rose and I are basically best friends now. She visits the FaZe house a lot and everyone seems to love her. Alex seems to love her a bit too much. I don't mind if my best friend hangs out with my roommates but whenever I'm with Rose or whenever I'm with Alex, they only ever talk about each other. Also, whenever Rose comes over, Alex is always hovering over us. I know Rose doesn't mind but fuck, I would like to hang out with my friend alone once in a while. Lucas only ever joins us when he notices Alex overstaying his welcome. That's when he comes in and tries to keep me company. It's not a great feeling when you're third-wheeling in your own friendship.

I can tell Rose doesn't notice my discomfort because if she did, she'd shut the shit down quick. That's what I love about her. She's quick to benefit her friends.

I guess part of me tries to hide it when I see how happy Rose is around him. It's kind of shitty considering Alex is dating Adriana, but the two keep their boundaries. As of right now, they just seem like two best friends even though everyone except Alex knows about Rose's crush on him. You really aren't subtle, hun.

In this current point and time, I'm on the kitchen floor with Rebel laying across my stomach. Lucas is sitting in one of the dining room chairs, hovering over me and going through Snapchat.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" Cheo asks, entering the kitchen. "Fainting spell." Lucas says nonchalantly, not looking up from his phone. It's so great having a boyfriend who understands this stuff. One time while we were at Walmart, I fainted in the customer service area and Lucas just sat beside me and literally ate Doritos and snapchatted with my unconscious body the whole time. He's learned to just deal with it and let it pass.

"How long does it usually last for?" Cheo questions, beginning to take things out to prepare dinner. I look at Lucas through half-closed eyes and he looks at me. "She seems to be coming back into consciousness so she should be okay in the next ten to fifteen minutes."

The kitchen door opens and feet shuffle in, stopping at my head. I open my eyes fully, seeing Rose looking down at me in confusion. "You good?" She asks. "She fainted." Lucas answers for me. I nod in confirmation. Rose sets her bag down, sitting beside me and laying down.

"You're just a special basket case, huh?" Rose says playfully. "It's unavoidable. It just happens." I say, quoting Allison from The Breakfast Club. Hopefully someone will catch onto it.

"Wait what? What happens?" Lucas asks, looking at me confused. It's kind of funny considering Claire says that after Allison's line. "When you grow up, your heart dies." Rose says, finishing the quote.

"This is why you're my best friend." I tell her, smiling widely. "Breakfast Club is a classic. You're uncultured if you've never seen it." We both look at Lucas.

"Hey, don't worry. I've seen it, okay?" He says, raising his hands in defense. "Good. I was about to yell at you." I say, lifting my arm up and pointing at him.

"When do you not yell at me, my dear?" He smiles, grabbing my hand and kissing my finger tip. "You two are so cute, it hurts." Rose whines, placing her hands over her heart. Lucas and I laugh at her dramatic ass.

After about ten minutes of resting, I'm finally able to stand up and walk around. Rose and I enter the living room, and sit on the couch while having a nice conversation. Luckily, Alex was downstairs filming so he wouldn't come up here for a while.

"Oh shit, Rose! Glad you're here." I spoke way too damn soon. "Mind helping me with a video?" Alex asks her. "Sure!" Rose replies eagerly, standing up. I huff, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, Peyton. What has gotten into you? You always act all- You always act all mad and shit when I'm around." Alex frowns. Oh wow, for once he's not oblivious. "Like, what is your problem?"

I stand up. "What's my--." I cut myself off, staring at him. Fuckers in this house are way too tall.

Walking over to the ping pong table, I climb on top of it, standing and facing Alex. "What's my problem? What's yours?! You're always around!"

"Well no shit!" Alex snaps, looking up at me. "I live here!" I glare at him. "That's not what I mean. Every time I hang out with Rose, you just have to butt in and steal her away from me. Either that, or you hang around us and I become a fucking third wheel!"

"Well, Lucas is around too! I guess that's different because he's your boyfriend." I clench my fist. "No, he comes around because of you! Unlike your oblivious ass, he can read me well and he knows that I'm uncomfortable whenever you barge in on our hangouts. If you stopped butting in, then he wouldn't feel the need to keep me company!"

"Well excuse me for not knowing you can just claim someone and they're yours and no one else's." Alex fires back. "That's not the problem here, Alexander!" I snap, using his full name to make sure he knows I'm extra mad. "I don't care if you're friends with Rose or if you hang out with her. It's just that every time Rose and I hang out here, you're always there! I hate feeling like I can't bring her to the house because I'm scared you're gonna steal my first ever best friend away from me!"

The room falls silent and out of the corner of my eye, I see Cheo and Lucas standing in the doorway, watching and listening.

"Peyton, I had no idea you felt like this. You should've told me." Rose spoke up. "I would have understood. It sucks feeling like you're being replaced." She turns to Alex. "You have to admit, you do tend to overstep your boundaries when Pey and I are together."

"I know, I'm sorry. It never crossed my mind that Rose was your first real best friend who's a girl and you two can talk about- about girl things. I got too caught up in my anger that I didn't think it through." Alex frowns, rubbing the back of his neck.

I furrow my brows. "Why are you angry?" I ask him, my voice returning to its normal soft and quiet tone. "Well... You kind of took my best friend too." Alex replies, motioning to Lucas.

"Shit, sorry bro." Lucas says, walking towards us. "I guess I kind of have been focusing more on Peyton than you guys."

"Now I'm the oblivious ass." I say, pouting a bit. "I'm usually good at reading situations like that but I guess not when it involves me. Had I known that, I would've made sure Lucas hung out with you more."

"So let's agree that Pey and I can hang out together when we want, Alex and I can also hang out, and Lucas can hang out with Alex when they want. And we'll be mindful of each other's feelings. Deal?" Rose raises a brow. The three of us nod in agreement.

"Man, that was some sappy Disney Channel shit." Cheo says, making us all look at him.

"It really was." Rose shivers. "I need gore and despair. Shall we watch Cannibal Holocaust?" She asks me. A wide smile grows on my face and I nod. "Most definitely!"

"I just have one question." Lucas states, holding up his index finger. "Why are you standing on the ping pong table, exactly?" I look at Alex and then at Lucas. "He's taller than me. I can't get my point across when I'm shorter."

"You know... that actually makes perfect sense." Lucas nods. "Good, now help me down." I say, holding my arms out. Lucas wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me off the table and setting me on the floor. I turn away from him, facing Rose.

"Let's get our gore on." I smile slyly, rubbing my hands together. "Ah hell yeah!" Rose exclaims excitedly.

"How about you help me with this video?" Alex says to Lucas. "I got you, bro." My boyfriend smiles, nodding. The two head towards the basement stairs.

"Cheo, can you whip us up a big bowl of popcorn?" Rose asks him. "Extra butter!" I add, walking over to the DVD case.

"This house is never boring." Cheo chuckles, disappearing into the kitchen.

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feedback is appreciated guys

faze up and stay slothy \(._.)/

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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