Chapter Five

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Song of the Chapter: I'm Not A Vampire - Falling In Reverse

○ Lucas Mosing ○

It's so weird that Nordan is on a date with Peyton. I really like her. Like, a lot. She's really cool and intriguing. I love the way she thinks and the way she does things. Of course, I wasn't gonna get in the way of Nordan. If he likes her, it's fine. He got to her first and there's nothing I can do about it.

Currently, Teeqo and I are the only ones in the house. The rest of the guys went to the gym. I wanted to be here when Peyton and Nordan came back because I know Nordan is gonna talk to me about it once he notices the other guys are gone.

The front door opens and I turn my head to look, seeing the two and Rebel. "Hey guys." I say, clearing my throat. "Sup, Blaziken." Nordan smiles at me. "The guys are at the gym. Teeqo and I are the only ones home." I let them know.

"What's Teeqo doing?" Peyton asks. "Playing Counterstrike, I'm pretty sure." I tell her. A smile spreads across her face. "I'm gonna go annoy him." She says, bounding up the stairs with Rebel on her heels.

I laugh as Nordan joins me on the couch. "She's in a good mood." I state, going through the channels on the TV. "Date must've went well."

"It went amazing. She's now officially my girlfriend." Fucking dammit.

"Aye, congrats." I say, keeping my eyes on the TV.

"Man, Peyton is so cool and she has such weird but cool interests. She doesn't fit in at all here but I like that. Did you know she despises rap?" Nordan asks after his ramble.

"I did, actually. She likes some of the beats but hates the lyrics." I say. "Exactly! She said she likes songs that tell stories. She told me about this one fucked up song called Dance with the Devil. Have you heard of it?"

"I've heard it once." I shrug. The thing is, I already know a shit ton about Peyton. One night I couldn't sleep so I came down to the living room and we talked all night. By the time I was gonna go to bed, it was sunrise.

"It's pretty fucked up. Uh... Have you seen the scars on her legs? I hope they're not like..." Nordan trails. "Nah. They're not that. She had a friend in college who was a vampire or something and liked drinking blood. Of course, Peyton's open-minded ass let the girl cut her and drink her blood every so often." I look at him, a look of disgust on his face.

"Why are people so weird? Why would someone actually think they're a vampire?" I shrug. "Peyton said it wasn't unusual. Apparently there's a lot of vampires in America or something."

"Man... I hope I never meet one. Ain't no one drinking my blood." Nordan says, shaking his head and standing up. He heads downstairs and my phone starts ringing.

The caller ID said it was Nick, my best friend. I answer it, really needing to rant to someone. "What's up dude!" I say, heading out the front door so I could talk to him in private.

"Nothing much! Just playing some COD. You?" I take a deep breath. "Uh... fuming and beating myself up because I'm an idiot."

"Did you fuck it up with Peyton?" Nick knew about my crush since I tell him everything. He lets me gush about her when I need to.

"Not exactly? It's just... Nordan got to her first and now they're dating." I say, frowning. That sentence actually hurt to say.

"I... did not expect that at all. Nordan didn't know about your feelings for her?" I shake my head despite him not being able to see me. "Nope. You and Mia are the only people I've told and I didn't even tell Mia. She teased me about a cute girl being in the house and just guessed it."

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