chapter 1- It's like a layer of grime on my face

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"Awh come on April, just a little bit of make up! Please?" Vicky whines. I don't even know why she's friends with me to be honest, all she does is paste make up on her face and talk about endless lists of boys. While I sit reading, or doing homework, or finding the meaning of life, or taking photo's. Or something geeky that she will most likely disapprove of.

"No, you know I can't stand that stuff. It's like a layer of grime on my face." I wrinkle up my nose in disgust as she squeezes what looks like brown mouldy jelly into her hands and massages it onto her face, intentionally covering up a spot that she has been complaining about for the last two days.

She grumbles something inaudible and I roll my eyes, just because she dragged me into going to some Miss popular's party, doesn't mean she can force me into wearing damaging products that will make me look "pretty". She's already managed to get me into a dress.

It was way too expensive for what it was worth, I don't even know why I agreed to buy it. Even as I stare into Vicky's full length mirror, studying the clothes I have been put in, as pretty as they are, I know I will never wear this dress again. £45 down the drain. And on what? A short, lacy, blue dress and some simple white flats? Totally not worth my money.

"At least let me curl your hair." She sort of asks, sort of demands. I sigh and give in, as much as Vicky annoys me, she's my best friend, and I don't want to lose that.

I sit on her large, pink and black double bed and silently call out for help; a party? Who would have thought I would be going to a party? It's pretty crazy, usually on a Sunday evening I would just be reading until I fall asleep or something, but this? Definitely not my thing.

Vicky finishes curling my dark brown hair that she insists on calling black, and we make our way out of her house. Vicky's dad follows us out as he offered to drive us there. We climb into his black Jaguar and he starts the engine.

"O-m-g, I'm soooo excited!!" Vicky squeals and screams through clamped teeth. Wow, this girl has issues. I'm considering phoning the nearest mental institute to take her in. Maybe that will knock some sense into her.

We pull up outside a house, which is clearly where we should be. Even in the car we can hear loud thumping coming straight from the house, there are people all over the place, dancing in the garden, silhouettes in the windows, anywhere you can imagine a person, there is one.

"Well girls, I'll pick you up when you give me a call." He gives me a pointed look and says "remember I don't have to pick you up at the same time, I can make two trips if need be."

"Thanks Mr. Anderson, I'll see you later." I say, he asked me to call him Micheal when I first met him, but I never really felt I knew him well enough, and when I did begin to get to know him the name had already stuck. So now he is "Mr Anderson" forever more.

"Come on April!" Vicky moans and pulls me out of the car, "This will be fun!"

Yeah right. Fun.

I enter the house, and begin to... explore? eventually I sit down on an empty sofa, god there's even achohol here! We're 16 for gods sake.

Time slowly passes by and when I glance at my watch and see it's already been an hour and a half, I realize that all I've done is wander aimlessly around the house while Vicky dances her arse off in the living room. I don't want  to go anywhere near her as she's probably drunk too, and she always seems to end up with a guy in a bedroom by the end of the night. 

Parties are so not my thing.

A temporary bar has been put up in the living room, I go over to it and sit on one of the stools, bored to death. But I can't leave yet, it's only been a couple of hours and if I go now Vicky will kill me.

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