chapter 16- Come on April, sit back

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His room isn't as I would except it to look. I always thought it would be typical blue, with a basket ball hoop wash basket, gaming chair and other typical boy items. I always imagined Josh as the definition of boy, he certainly looked the part.

But glancing around his room gives me a completely different view on him. His looks, of course, definitely define 'boy' better than any other guy I know. However his room portrays a different type of person.

Three of the walls are cream, the doorway wall, the window wall and the opposite window wall; the other wall, opposite the door, is a rich navy blue. He has a double bed with 4 cream posts in each corner, an array of chiffon sheets are layered over the posts, all different shades of blue and cream. His curtains are made of the same chiffon material, and his window sill is painted the same navy as the wall. His cupboards are classy and mirrored, and open out rather than slide.

"Who designed this room!?" I ask, shocked by the way it all works, everything fits together and it looks as if it should be on one of those designing shows. Everything in the room fits together, from the modern glass lamps, to the almost vintage navy chair. Everything works.

"I did." He replies, before adding, "I want to be an interior designer when I'm older."

"That's ridiculously cool. Like wow, this room is amazing. I wouldn't except this from you if I'm honest." I say, still stunned. I would have thought he wanted to be a football player or something, but apparently not.

"Nah, my dad wants me to do something to do with sport, and my mum something to do with science, but this is what I'm passionate about. I designed the kitchen and living room too, I also designed, um, some of the other bedrooms" he hesitates on the bedrooms one, as if he doesn't want me to know. A flash of confusion crosses my face.

"Can I see them?" I ask.

He pauses and looks at me oddly. "Um... well, I don't know. It's kind of embarrassing. So no."

"Awh, come on? I don't judge, and this is so amazing." I urge.

Suddenly, as if on cue, a massive bang shakes the house. "Shit!" Josh shouts while I scream.

"We know you're in there!" Ethans voices shouts from outside. "Come on guys!"

"Seriously, Josh! This is getting stupid!" Finley voice.

Another bang, what on earth are they using to get in here?

"Shit..." Josh whispers, he drops to the floor and starts to crawl out the room, I copy and follow him through the house.

As we crawl, I try to look into every room we go past, trying to see his art work.

Suddenly I stop, through a small crack of a slightly open door I catch sight of a dusty girls room. Through the slit between the door and room I see white walls, contrasting with pretty black elephants and patterns. A girls indie room.

I thought Josh was an only a child.

"Josh...?" I call out, he's now halfway down the stairs. He shushes me so I remain quite and follow him down the stairs.

We crawl through his corridor until we are low on the floor, looking into the kitchen. Through the window we can see Finley and Ethan although neither can see us.

Between them they are holding a large log, it seems to have come from the pile in the back garden. I look at Josh and we exchange a questioning look.

Suddenly Finley and Ethan charge forward, screaming at the top of their lungs. The log crashes into the door and shakes the house.

Josh and I burst into fits of laughter as their faces twist into a disapointed grimce, as if they were expecting the log to gain them entry.

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