Chapter 12- Use of alliteration, how posh.

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I don't find Vicky and Harry in the end, I go to the library, a place where I find comfort, yet don't visit often anymore. It's were I like feeling alone. I'm not lonely here, but yet no one is with me either. It's the perfect place for me.

I find a book about some vampire love story or whatever, but as soon as I sit down and begin to read the bell goes off, signalling end of lunch. I sigh but put the book back, then I head to science. Recently science has both been awful and amazing, both for the same reason, Josh. We have two different science classrooms so only two lessons do I get the "privilege" too sit next to him. Which both sucks and is great.

For this lesson, I'm suck with him.

I enter the classroom and my eyes drift towards the seat next to mine almost instantly, Josh sits proudly in the seat and flashes me smile. How does he have perfect teeth? I mean, they are so straight and so white and they go perfectly with him, like they suit his smile. You know how some people have really nice teeth, yet an ugly smile; and others the opposite. But Josh has both, perfect smile, perfect teeth, perfect eyes, like he's practically perfect almost. Unfortunately, he's a dick.

I take my seat next to him and force my smile back, I can't show that I'm happy to see him, which i'm not obviously. How could I be? I barely know him- and yet i find my smile, as much as i try to restrain myself, creeping slowly across my entire face.

"Today class, we will be starting a knew topic, sexual reproduction." Squeaks Miss Can't-teach-us-anything-other-than-how-to-be-annoyed-to-the-point-of-near-suicide. I groan and look at Josh, rolling my eyes as I do. He smirks and a flash of excitement rushes through his eyes. I blush and glance at my book, why would that even make me blush? It's not like it means anything.

"Grab a text book and flip to page, 60... um...." Our teacher starts, before josh almost screams, "69 Miss?" I snort with laughter but shoot him a disapproving look, all the same. he wiggles his eyebrows at me and stands to get a book.

"No, josh, I meant 64. turn to page 64." She addresses the class, even while saying joshes name. She obviously feels intimidated by him, which is stupid as he is actually not that "badass" character he portrays at all. Actually he's kind of nice, and sweet, and funny. Oh, what am I saying? he's an idiot.

He walks back to out desk and slams the text book down, ginning at me. "So Miss Hall, how has your day been?"

"It's been brutally brilliant, Mr Clark. How about you?" I reply, an unintentional flirtatious edge to my voice.

"Ooo, use of alliteration, how posh." He replies, avoiding thee question.

"Well, literature is my specialty, but Mr Clark, I believe you owe me an answer to that question." I say, pushing for an honest response to my question. Something tells me he's hiding something.

He hesitates before sighing, giving in. "It wasn't the best, to be honest."

"what happened?" I say, oddly concerned, hoping he will open up too me. I souldn't care, but for some reason, i do.

He rubs his hand on the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable, "Um..." he sighs again, "It's my mum, she's... um... left us, not for good. I don't think, i mean, i hope not. She never has gone for good, but I don't know. She's unpredictable."

I look at him shocked, he doesn't seem like that kind of person, I mean he's always so happy. he doesn't act like he has a rough life back home. But i guess that's maybe the point.

"Thats horrible." I say sincerely, i touch his arm, squeezing it slightly. He looks at me with a small smile, a thankful smile.

"Okay lets get on." He flips the page to 64 and begins to write out the questions, i do the same. And we sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the lesson.

And yet, even through the silence of the classroom, I feel like we are speaking to each other, knowing the others feelings, and it's the closest i felt to someone since Royden.


Okay that was short but i am in a rush and heck, i need to get home.

thats chapter 12, if you like it please comment/vote/follow

and guess what?! 1k!!!! yayyy thank you so so much :)




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