Chapter 8- I don't want you to fall into my trap

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"No. I refuse to go, I will not sit in an strangers house and watch my own mother swooning over the asshole that invited us. I'm not going." I say calmly, there's no way I'm going to mums new boyfriend's house. 

"April, honey, you're going and you're going to be nice. No more arguments, you're going and that's final. David is looking forward to meeting you and you better be good." Mum replies sternly, I won't go, I'll end up playing third wheel to my mum and "David", third wheel is bad enough, but to your parent? That should be illegal.

"hell no." I mumble the words and grab my phone, storming out of the house and slamming the door behind me. Vicky has my dress at her house so I'll be able to get to the party without going home. I text my mum "going Vickys." Although I've stormed out, I know that she'll want to know where I am, we kind of have this mutual agreement that as long as she knows I'm okay she won't come and get me until I'm ready to come home. 

Thing is I'm not very argumentative, when i'm angry I tend to get quieter and mumble things, I've never shouted in my life and I can't even remember a time I've gotten as annoyed as I have been lately. I blame the annoyance on Josh but why on earth did i have to control my anger today? I had to really concentrate at keeping my cool just then, it's usually second nature. It's odd.

Before the argument I had come home to find mum leaning against the counter in the kitchen, she looked at me with a disappointed expression. 

"I know you missed school." She said. "Honey I don't want you doing that again okay? It's wrong."

I nodded my head, unable to speak, I'm not sure what I would have said if i could have though.

She soon went on to explaining her date, which was extremely painful on my part, I could see the childish shine in her eyes and I knew that if this "David" could win her heart I would be left on the curb trying to fix my life without the help of my mother. She would be whisked away to the land of dreams, leaving me dealing with my life alone. I would be left to rot while she had the time of her life, nothing left of us. So naturally it all kind of turned into a hissy fit. Well mum doing most of the hissing and fitting and me arguing quietly. 

We don't argue often actually, but this is quite important, I mean my mum has a boyfriend. No more coffee days, no more movie marathons, no more boring shopping trips. All because mum has a boyfriend. 

"David" is a business man with a lot of money, he has a classy bachelor pad and a Labrador (By the way, I'm allergic to dog hair.) His wife left him about 5 years ago and he's gotten over her. His favorite colour is green and his eyes are blue. Mum told me all of this and more, god knows how she remembered it all, I certainly can't. He seems like that typical dis-functional dad, apparently he has 3 children, his daughter is around my age, but by the sounds of it he never see's them. He has a flashy sports car and wears suits daily, he hates dirt and can't stand loud noises which suggests anything but a heartfelt loving dad. 

As I reach the end of my road I ring Vicky, she kind of needs to know I'm actually coming to her house right? 

"April? whats up?" she says as soon as she picks up, we have this kind of deal where we only ring each other if completely necessary, no calling just for fun. 

"Hey, I'm coming over, your dad won't mind if I sleep the night, right? I'll explain when I get there." I say quickly and hand up before she can reply. I can't afford to be turned down really. 

Its only about a 10 minute walk from my house to Vicky's so I'm there in no time, before I can knock, her dark wooden door swings open to reveal Vicky's dad, who looks smart in a checked shirt and jeans. 

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